Source code for epipack.vis

Visualizations of simulations with pyglet.

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np

import pyglet
from pyglet import shapes
from pyglet.window import key, mouse, Window
from import *

from epipack.networks import get_random_layout, get_grid_layout
from epipack import colors as col
from epipack.colors import colors

_colors = list(colors.values())

[docs]class SimulationStatus(): """ Saves information about the current simulation. Parameters ========== N : int Number of nodes sampling_dt : float The amount of simulation time that's supposed to pass during a single update Attributes ========== old_node_status : numpy.ndarray An array containing node statuses of the previous update sampling_dt : float The amount of simulation time that's supposed to pass during a single update simulation_ended : bool Whether or not the simulation is over paused : bool Whether or not the simulation is paused """ def __init__(self,N,sampling_dt): self.old_node_status = -1e300*np.ones((N,)) self.simulation_ended = False self.sampling_dt = sampling_dt self.paused = False
[docs] def update(self,old_node_status): """ Update the nodes statuses. """ self.old_node_status = np.array(old_node_status)
[docs] def set_simulation_status(self,simulation_ended): """ Trigger the simulation to be over. """ self.simulation_ended = simulation_ended
[docs]class App(pyglet.window.Window): """ A pyglet Window class that makes zooming and panning convenient and tracks user input. Adapted from Peter Varo's solution at Parameters ========== width : float Width of the app window height : float Height of the app window simulation_status : SimulationStatus An object that tracks the simulation. Here, it's used to pause or increase the simulation speed. """ def __init__(self, width, height, simulation_status, *args, **kwargs): #conf = Config(sample_buffers=1, # samples=4, # depth_size=16, # double_buffer=True) self.left = 0 self.right = width self.bottom = 0 = height super().__init__(width, height, *args, **kwargs) self.batches = [] self.batch_funcs = [] #Initialize camera values self.left = 0 self.right = width self.bottom = 0 = height self.zoom_level = 1 self.zoomed_width = width self.zoomed_height = height # Set window values self.width = width self.height = height self.orig_left = self.left self.orig_right = self.right self.orig_bottom = self.bottom self.orig_top = self.orig_zoom_level = self.zoom_level self.orig_zoomed_width = self.zoomed_width self.orig_zoomed_height = self.zoomed_height self.simulation_status = simulation_status
[docs] def add_batch(self,batch,prefunc=None): """ Add a batch that needs to be drawn. Optionally, also pass a function that's triggered before this batch is drawn. """ self.batches.append(batch) self.batch_funcs.append(prefunc)
[docs] def on_draw(self): """ Clear and draw all batches """ self.clear() for batch, func in zip(self.batches, self.batch_funcs): if func is not None: func() batch.draw()
[docs] def init_gl(self, width, height): # Set viewport glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) glLoadIdentity() #try: glOrtho( self.left, self.right, self.bottom,, 1, -1 )
#except AttributeError as e: # print(
[docs] def on_resize(self, width, height): """Rescale.""" # Set window values self.width = width self.height = height # Initialize OpenGL context self.init_gl(width, height)
[docs] def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): """Pan.""" # Move camera self.left -= dx*self.zoom_level self.right -= dx*self.zoom_level self.bottom -= dy*self.zoom_level -= dy*self.zoom_level glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho( self.left, self.right, self.bottom,, 1, -1 )
[docs] def on_mouse_scroll(self, x, y, dx, dy): """Zoom.""" # Get scale factor f = 1+dy/50 # If zoom_level is in the proper range if .02 < self.zoom_level*f < 10: self.zoom_level *= f mouse_x = x/self.width mouse_y = y/self.height mouse_x_in_world = self.left + mouse_x*self.zoomed_width mouse_y_in_world = self.bottom + mouse_y*self.zoomed_height self.zoomed_width *= f self.zoomed_height *= f self.left = mouse_x_in_world - mouse_x*self.zoomed_width self.right = mouse_x_in_world + (1 - mouse_x)*self.zoomed_width self.bottom = mouse_y_in_world - mouse_y*self.zoomed_height = mouse_y_in_world + (1 - mouse_y)*self.zoomed_height glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho( self.left, self.right, self.bottom,, 1, -1 )
[docs] def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): """ Check for keyboard input. Current inputs: - backspace or CMD+0: reset view - up : increase simulation speed - down : decrease simulation speed - space : pause simulation """ #if symbol & key.BACKSPACE or (symbol & key._0 and (modifiers & MOD_COMMAND or modifiers & MOD_CTRL)): if symbol == key.BACKSPACE or (symbol == key._0 and (modifiers & key.MOD_COMMAND)): self.left = self.orig_left self.right = self.orig_right self.bottom = self.orig_bottom = self.orig_top self.zoom_level = self.orig_zoom_level self.zoomed_width = self.orig_zoomed_width self.zoomed_height = self.orig_zoomed_height glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho( self.left, self.right, self.bottom,, 1, -1 ) elif symbol == key.UP: self.simulation_status.sampling_dt *= 1.2 elif symbol == key.DOWN: self.simulation_status.sampling_dt /= 1.2 elif symbol == key.SPACE: self.simulation_status.paused = not self.simulation_status.paused
[docs]class Scale(): """ A scale that maps all its connected graphics objects to world (window) dimensions. Parameters ========== bound_increase_factor : float, default = 1.0 By how much the respective bound should increase once it's reached. Attributes ========== bound_increase_factor : float By how much the respective bound should increase once it's reached. x0 : float lower bound of data x-dimension x1 : float upper bound of data x-dimension y0 : float lower bound of data y-dimension y1 : float upper bound of data y-dimension left : float lower bound of world x-dimension right : float upper bound of world x-dimension bottom : float lower bound of world y-dimension top : float upper bound of world y-dimension scaling_objects : list A list of objects that need to be rescaled once the data or world dimensions change. Each entry of this list is assumed to be an object that has a method called ``rescale()``. """ def __init__(self,bound_increase_factor=1.0): self.x0 = np.nan self.y0 = np.nan self.x1 = np.nan self.y1 = np.nan self.left = np.nan self.right = np.nan self.bottom = np.nan = np.nan self.bound_increase_factor = bound_increase_factor self.scaling_objects = []
[docs] def extent(self,left,right,top,bottom): """ Define the world (window) dimensions. """ self.left = left self.right = right = top self.bottom = bottom self._calc() return self
[docs] def domain(self,x0,x1,y0,y1): """ Define the data dimensions. """ self.x0 = x0 self.x1 = x1 self.y0 = y0 self.y1 = y1 self._calc() return self
def _calc(self): """ calculate scalars """ = (self.right-self.left)/(self.x1 - self.x0) = ( - self.y0)
[docs] def scale(self,x,y): """ Scale data. """ _x = self.scalex(x) _y = self.scaley(y) return _x, _y
[docs] def scalex(self,x): """ Scale x-data """ if type(x) == list: _x = list(map(lambda _x: * (_x-self.x0) + self.left, x )) else: _x = * (x-self.x0) + self.left return _x
[docs] def scaley(self,y): """ Scale y-data """ if type(y) == list: _y = list(map(lambda _y: * (_y-self.y0) + self.bottom, y )) else: _y = * (y-self.y0) + self.bottom return _y
[docs] def check_bounds(self,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax): """ Check whether the global data dimensions have changed considered updated data dimensions of a single instance. If this is the case, trigger rescaling of all connected instances. """ changed = False x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.x0, self.x1, self.y0, self.y1 if xmin < self.x0: xvec = xmin - self.x1 x0 = self.x1 + xvec * self.bound_increase_factor changed = True if ymin < self.y0: yvec = ymin - self.y1 y0 = self.y1 + yvec * self.bound_increase_factor changed = True if xmax > self.x1: xvec = xmax - self.x0 x1 = self.x0 + xvec * self.bound_increase_factor changed = True if ymax > self.y1: yvec = ymax - self.y0 y1 = self.y0 + yvec * self.bound_increase_factor changed = True if changed: self.domain(x0,x1,y0,y1) for obj in self.scaling_objects: obj.rescale()
[docs] def add_scaling_object(self,obj): """ Append an object that depends on this Scale instance. """ self.scaling_objects.append(obj)
[docs]class Curve(): """ A class that draws an OpenGL curve to a pyglet Batch instance with easy methods to update data. Parameters ========== x : list x data y : list y data color : list List of 3 integers between 0 and 255 (RGB color list) scale : Scale An instance of a Scale that maps the data dimensions to an area in a pyglet Window Attributes ========== batch : The batch instance in which this curve is drawn scale : Scale An instance of a Scale that maps the data dimensions to an area in a pyglet Window vertex_list : Contains the vertex list in window coordinates. format strings are ``v2f`` and ``c3B``. color : list as described above xmin : float lower bound of x-dimension xmax : float upper bound of x-dimension ymin : float lower bound of y-dimension ymax : float upper bound of y-dimension """ def __init__(self,x,y,color,scale,batch): self.batch = batch self.vertex_list = batch.add(0, GL_LINE_STRIP, None, 'v2f', 'c3B', ) self.scale = scale scale.add_scaling_object(self) self.color = color self.xmin = 1e300 self.ymin = 1e300 self.xmax = -1e300 self.ymax = -1e300 self.set(x,y)
[docs] def set(self,x,y): """ Set the data of this curve. """ _x = list(x) _y = list(y) # GL_LINE_STRIP needs to have the first # and last vertex as duplicates, # save data self.x = _x[:1] + _x + _x[-1:] self.y = _y[:1] + _y + _y[-1:] # get min/max values of this update xmin = min(_x) xmax = max(_x) ymin = min(_y) ymax = max(_y) # scale and zip together the new numbers _x, _y = self.scale.scale(self.x, self.y) xy = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(_x, _y))) # resize vertex list, set vertices and colors self.vertex_list.resize(len(_x)) self.vertex_list.vertices = xy self.vertex_list.colors = self.color * len(_x) # check whether or not the bounds of # the scale need to be updated self.update_bounds(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
[docs] def append_single_value(self,x,y): """ Append a single data point to this curve. Note that if the bounds change with this update, the connect Scale-instance will be updated automatically. """ self.append_list([x], [y])
[docs] def append_list(self,x,y): """ Append a list of data points to this curve. Note that if the bounds change with this update, the connect Scale-instance will be updated automatically. """ _x = x + x[-1:] _y = y + y[-1:] # remember that self.x contains the last # vertex twice for GL_LINE_STRIP. # We have to pop the duplicate of the # formerly last entry and append the new list self.x.pop() self.x.extend(_x) self.y.pop() self.y.extend(_y) xmin = min(_x) xmax = max(_x) ymin = min(_y) ymax = max(_y) _x, _y = self.scale.scale(_x, _y) xy = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(_x, _y))) self.vertex_list.resize(self.vertex_list.get_size() + len(_x) -1 ) self.vertex_list.vertices[-len(xy):] = xy self.vertex_list.colors[-3*len(_x):] = self.color * len(_x) self.update_bounds(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
[docs] def rescale(self): """ Rescale this curve's data according to the connected Scale-instance """ _x, _y = self.scale.scale(self.x, self.y) xy = list(chain.from_iterable(zip(_x, _y))) self.vertex_list.vertices = xy
[docs] def update_bounds(self,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax): """ Compute the bounds of this curves data and update the scale accordingly """ self.xmin = min(self.xmin,xmin) self.ymin = min(self.ymin,ymin) self.xmax = max(self.xmax,xmax) self.ymax = max(self.ymax,ymax) self.scale.check_bounds(self.xmin,self.xmax,self.ymin,self.ymax)
[docs]def get_network_batch(stylized_network, yoffset, draw_links=True, draw_nodes=True, draw_nodes_as_rectangles=False, n_circle_segments=16): """ Create a batch for a network visualization. Parameters ---------- stylized_network : dict The network properties which are returned from the interactive visualization. draw_links : bool, default : True Whether the links should be drawn draw_nodes : bool, default : True Whether the nodes should be drawn n_circle_segments : bool, default = 16 Number of segments a circle will be constructed of. Returns ------- network_objects : dict A dictionary containing all the necessary objects to draw and update the network. - `lines` : a list of pyglet-line objects (one entry per link) - `disks` : a list of pyglet-circle objects (one entry per node) - `circles` : a list of pyglet-circle objects (one entry per node) - `nodes_to_lines` : a dictionary mapping a node to a list of pairs. Each pair's first entry is the focal node's neighbor and the second entry is the index of the line-object that connects the two - `batch` : the pyglet Batch instance that contains all of the objects """ batch = pos = { node['id']: np.array([node['x_canvas'], node['y_canvas'] + yoffset]) for node in stylized_network['nodes'] } lines = [] disks = [] circles = [] node_to_lines = { node['id']: [] for node in stylized_network['nodes'] } if draw_links: for ilink, link in enumerate(stylized_network['links']): u, v = link['source'], link['target'] node_to_lines[u].append((v, ilink)) node_to_lines[v].append((u, ilink)) if 'color' in link.keys(): this_color = link['color'] else: this_color = stylized_network['linkColor'] lines.append(shapes.Line( pos[u][0], pos[u][1], pos[v][0], pos[v][1], width=link['width'], color=tuple(bytes.fromhex(this_color[1:])), batch=batch, ) ) lines[-1].opacity = int(255*stylized_network['linkAlpha']) if draw_nodes: disks = [None for n in range(len(stylized_network['nodes']))] circles = [None for n in range(len(stylized_network['nodes']))] for node in stylized_network['nodes']: if not draw_nodes_as_rectangles: disks[node['id']] = \ shapes.Circle(node['x_canvas'], node['y_canvas']+yoffset, node['radius'], segments=n_circle_segments, color=tuple(bytes.fromhex(node['color'][1:])), batch=batch, ) circles[node['id']] = \ shapes.Arc(node['x_canvas'], node['y_canvas']+yoffset, node['radius'], segments=n_circle_segments+1, color=tuple(bytes.fromhex(stylized_network['nodeStrokeColor'][1:])), batch=batch, ) else: r = node['radius'] disks[node['id']] = \ shapes.Rectangle( node['x_canvas']-r, node['y_canvas']+yoffset-r, 2*r, 2*r, color=tuple(bytes.fromhex(node['color'][1:])), batch=batch) return {'lines': lines, 'disks': disks, 'circles':circles, 'node_to_lines': node_to_lines, 'batch': batch}
_default_config = { 'plot_sampled_curve': True, 'draw_links':True, 'draw_nodes':True, 'n_circle_segments':16, 'plot_height':120, 'bgcolor':'#253237', 'curve_stroke_width':4.0, 'node_stroke_width':1.0, 'link_color': '#4b5a62', 'node_stroke_color':'#000000', 'node_color':'#264653', 'bound_increase_factor':1.0, 'update_dt':0.04, 'show_curves':True, 'draw_nodes_as_rectangles':False, 'show_legend': True, 'legend_font_color':None, 'legend_font_size':10, 'padding':10, 'compartment_colors':_colors, 'palette': "dark", } # light colors #_default_config.update({ # 'bgcolor':'#fbfbef', # 'link_color': '#8e9aaf', # 'node_stroke_color':'#000000', # 'legend_font_color':'#040414', # })
[docs]def visualize(model, network, sampling_dt, ignore_plot_compartments=[], quarantine_compartments=[], config=None, ): """ Start a visualization of a stochastic simulation. Parameters ========== model : epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel An initialized StochasticEpiModel. network: dict A stylized network in the netwulf-format (see where instead of 'x' and 'y', node positions are saved in 'x_canvas' and 'y_canvas'. Example: .. code:: python stylized_network = { "xlim": [0, 833], "ylim": [0, 833], "linkAlpha": 0.5, "nodeStrokeWidth": 0.75, "links": [ {"source": 0, "target": 1, "width": 3.0 } ], "nodes": [ {"id": 0, "x_canvas": 436.0933431058901, "y_canvas": 431.72418500564186, "radius": 20 }, {"id": 1, "x_canvas": 404.62184898400426, "y_canvas": 394.8158724310507, "radius": 20 } ] } sampling_dt : float The amount of simulation time that's supposed to pass with a single update. ignore_plot_compartments : list, default = [] List of compartment objects that are supposed to be ignored when plotted. quarantine_compartments : list, default = [] List of compartment objects that are supposed to be resemble quarantine (i.e. temporarily losing all connections) config : dict, default = None A dictionary containing all possible configuration options. Entries in this dictionary will overwrite the default config which is .. code:: python _default_config = { 'plot_sampled_curve': True, 'draw_links':True, 'draw_nodes':True, 'n_circle_segments':16, 'plot_height':120, 'bgcolor':'#253237', 'curve_stroke_width':4.0, 'node_stroke_width':1.0, 'link_color': '#4b5a62', 'node_stroke_color':'#000000', 'node_color':'#264653', 'bound_increase_factor':1.0, 'update_dt':0.04, 'show_curves':True, 'draw_nodes_as_rectangles':False, 'show_legend': True, 'legend_font_color':'#fafaef', 'legend_font_size':10, 'padding':10, 'compartment_colors':_colors } """ # update the config and compute some helper variables cfg = deepcopy(_default_config) if config is not None: cfg.update(config) palette = cfg['palette'] if type(palette) == str: if 'link_color' not in cfg: cfg['link_color'] = col.hex_link_colors[palette] if 'bgcolor' not in cfg: cfg['bgcolor'] = col.hex_bg_colors[palette] if 'compartment_colors' not in cfg: cfg['compartment_colors'] = [ col.colors[this_color] for this_color in col.palettes[palette] ] bgcolor = [ _/255 for _ in list(bytes.fromhex(cfg['bgcolor'][1:])) ] + [1.0] bgY = 0.2126*bgcolor[0] + 0.7152*bgcolor[1] + 0.0722*bgcolor[2] if cfg['legend_font_color'] is None: if bgY < 0.5: cfg['legend_font_color'] = '#fafaef' else: cfg['legend_font_color'] = '#232323' width = network['xlim'][1] - network['xlim'][0] height = network['ylim'][1] - network['ylim'][0] with_plot = cfg['show_curves'] and set(ignore_plot_compartments) != set(model.compartments) if with_plot: height += cfg['plot_height'] plot_width = width plot_height = cfg['plot_height'] else: plot_height = 0 with_legend = cfg['show_legend'] if with_legend: legend_batch = #x, y = legend.get_location() #legend.set_location(x - width, y) # create a test label to get the actual dimensions test_label = pyglet.text.Label('Ag') dy = test_label.content_height * 1.1 del(test_label) legend_circle_radius = dy/2/2 distance_between_circle_and_label = 2*legend_circle_radius legend_height = len(model.compartments) * dy + cfg['padding'] # if legend is shown in concurrence to the plot, # move the legend to be on the right hand side of the plot, # accordingly make the plot at least as tall as # the demanded height or the legend height if with_plot: plot_height = max(plot_height, legend_height) legend_y_offset = legend_height max_text_width = 0 legend_objects = [] # this is a hack so that the garbage collector doesn't delete our stuff for iC, C in enumerate(model.compartments): this_y = legend_y_offset - iC * dy - cfg['padding'] this_x = width + cfg['padding'] + legend_circle_radius label = pyglet.text.Label(str(C), font_name=('Helvetica', 'Arial', 'Sans'), font_size=cfg['legend_font_size'], x=this_x + legend_circle_radius+distance_between_circle_and_label, y=this_y, anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top', color = list(bytes.fromhex(cfg['legend_font_color'][1:])) + [255], batch = legend_batch ) legend_objects.append(label) #if not cfg['draw_nodes_as_rectangles']: if True: disk = shapes.Circle(this_x, this_y - (dy-1.25*legend_circle_radius)/2, legend_circle_radius, segments=64, color = cfg['compartment_colors'][iC], batch=legend_batch, ) circle = shapes.Arc(this_x, this_y - (dy-1.25*legend_circle_radius)/2, legend_circle_radius, segments=64+1, color=list(bytes.fromhex(cfg['legend_font_color'][1:])), batch=legend_batch, ) legend_objects.extend([disk,circle]) #else: # rect = shapes.Rectangle(this_x, # this_y - (dy-1.5*legend_circle_radius)/2, # 2*legend_circle_radius, # 2*legend_circle_radius, # color = _colors[iC], # batch=legend_batch, # ) # legend_objects.append(rect) max_text_width = max(max_text_width, label.content_width) legend_width = 2*cfg['padding'] \ + 2*legend_circle_radius \ + distance_between_circle_and_label \ + max_text_width # if legend is shown in concurrence to the plot, # move the legend to be on the right hand side of the plot, # accordingly make the plot narrower and place the legend # directly under the square network plot. # if not, make the window wider and show the legend on # the right hand side of the network plot. if with_plot: for obj in legend_objects: obj.x -= legend_width plot_width = width - legend_width else: width += legend_width size = (width, height) # overwrite network style with the epipack default style network['linkColor'] = cfg['link_color'] network['nodeStrokeColor'] = cfg['node_stroke_color'] for node in network['nodes']: node['color'] = cfg['node_color'] N = len(network['nodes']) # get the OpenGL shape objects that comprise the network network_batch = get_network_batch(network, yoffset=plot_height, draw_links=cfg['draw_links'], draw_nodes=cfg['draw_nodes'], draw_nodes_as_rectangles=cfg['draw_nodes_as_rectangles'], n_circle_segments=cfg['n_circle_segments'], ) lines = network_batch['lines'] disks = network_batch['disks'] circles = network_batch['circles'] node_to_lines = network_batch['node_to_lines'] batch = network_batch['batch'] # initialize a simulation state that has to passed to the app # so the app can change simulation parameters simstate = SimulationStatus(len(network['nodes']), sampling_dt) # intialize app window = App(*size,simulation_status=simstate,resizable=True) glClearColor(*bgcolor) # handle different strokewidths if 'nodeStrokeWidth' in network: node_stroke_width = network['nodeStrokeWidth'] else: node_stroke_width = cfg['node_stroke_width'] def _set_linewidth_nodes(): glLineWidth(node_stroke_width) def _set_linewidth_curves(): glLineWidth(cfg['curve_stroke_width']) def _set_linewidth_legend(): glLineWidth(1.0) # add the network batch with the right function to set the linewidth # prior to drawing window.add_batch(batch,prefunc=_set_linewidth_nodes) if with_legend: # add the legend batch with the right function to set the linewidth # prior to drawing window.add_batch(legend_batch,prefunc=_set_linewidth_legend) # decide whether to plot all measured changes or only discrete-time samples discrete_plot = cfg['plot_sampled_curve'] # find quarantined compartment ids # This set is needed for filtering later on. quarantined = set(model.get_compartment_id(C) for C in quarantine_compartments) # initialize time arrays t = 0 discrete_time = [t] # initialize curves if with_plot: # find the maximal value of the # compartments that are meant to be plotted. # These sets are needed for filtering later on. maxy = max([ model.y0[model.get_compartment_id(C) ] for C in (set(model.compartments) - set(ignore_plot_compartments))]) scl = Scale(bound_increase_factor=cfg['bound_increase_factor'])\ .extent(0,plot_width,plot_height-cfg['padding'],cfg['padding'])\ .domain(0,20*sampling_dt,0,maxy) curves = {} for iC, C in enumerate(model.compartments): if C in ignore_plot_compartments: continue _batch = window.add_batch(_batch,prefunc=_set_linewidth_curves) y = [np.count_nonzero(model.node_status==model.get_compartment_id(C))] curve = Curve(discrete_time,y,cfg['compartment_colors'][iC],scl,_batch) curves[C] = curve # define the pyglet-App update function that's called on every clock cycle def update(dt): # skip if nothing remains to be done if simstate.simulation_ended or simstate.paused: return # get sampling_dt sampling_dt = simstate.sampling_dt # Advance the simulation until time sampling_dt. # sim_time is a numpy array including all time values at which # the system state changed. The first entry is the initial state # of the simulation at t = 0 which we will discard later on # the last entry at `sampling_dt` will be missing so we # have to add it later on. # `sim_result` is a dictionary that maps a compartment # to a numpy array containing the compartment counts at # the corresponding time. sim_time, sim_result = model.simulate(sampling_dt,adopt_final_state=True) # compare the new node statuses with the old node statuses # and find the nodes that have changed status ndx = np.where(model.node_status != simstate.old_node_status)[0] # if nothing changed, evaluate the true total event rate # and if it's zero, do not do anything anymore did_simulation_end = len(ndx) == 0 and model.get_true_total_event_rate() == 0.0 simstate.set_simulation_status(did_simulation_end) if simstate.simulation_ended: return # advance the current time as described above. # we save both all time values as well as just the sampled times. this_time = (discrete_time[-1] + sim_time[1:]).tolist() + [discrete_time[-1] + sampling_dt] discrete_time.append(discrete_time[-1] + sampling_dt) # if curves are plotted if with_plot: # iterate through result array for k, v in sim_result.items(): # skip curves that should be ignored if k in ignore_plot_compartments: continue # count occurrences of this compartment val = np.count_nonzero(model.node_status==model.get_compartment_id(k)) if discrete_plot: # in case only sampled curves are of interest, # just add this single value curves[k].append_single_value(discrete_time[-1], v[-1]) else: # otherwise, append the current value to the exact simulation list # and append the whole dataset val = (v[1:].tolist() + [v[-1]]) curves[k].append_list(this_time, val) # iterate through the nodes that have to be updated for node in ndx: status = model.node_status[node] if cfg['draw_nodes']: disks[node].color = cfg['compartment_colors'][status] # if a node becomes quarantined, # iterate through its attached links (lines) # and switch them off if status in quarantined: for neigh, linkid in node_to_lines[node]: lines[linkid].visible = False # if it became unquarantined elif simstate.old_node_status[node] in quarantined: # check of the neighbor is unquarantined # and switch on the link if this is the case for neigh, linkid in node_to_lines[node]: if model.node_status[neigh] not in quarantined: lines[linkid].visible = True # save the current node statuses simstate.update(model.node_status) # schedule the app clock and run the app pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, cfg['update_dt'])
#pyglet.clock.unschedule(update) #window.close() #del(window) #print( #print("called exit..")
[docs]def visualize_reaction_diffusion( model, network, sampling_dt, node_compartments, value_extent=[0.0,1.0], integrator='euler', n_integrator_midpoints=0, config=None, ): """ Start a visualization of a reaction-diffusion simulation. Parameters ========== model : epipack.deterministic_epi_models.DeterministicEpiModel An initialized DeterministicEpiModel. network: dict A stylized network in the netwulf-format (see where instead of 'x' and 'y', node positions are saved in 'x_canvas' and 'y_canvas'. Example: .. code:: python stylized_network = { "xlim": [0, 833], "ylim": [0, 833], "linkAlpha": 0.5, "nodeStrokeWidth": 0.75, "links": [ {"source": 0, "target": 1, "width": 3.0 } ], "nodes": [ {"id": 0, "x_canvas": 436.0933431058901, "y_canvas": 431.72418500564186, "radius": 20 }, {"id": 1, "x_canvas": 404.62184898400426, "y_canvas": 394.8158724310507, "radius": 20 } ] } sampling_dt : float The amount of simulation time that's supposed to pass with a single update. quarantine_compartments: list List of compartment objects that are supposed to be resemble quarantine (i.e. temporarily losing all connections) node_compartments: list The compartments for which to display the concentrations. Each entry `m` in this list is expected to be a compartment associated with node `m`. this list should therefore be as long as the number of nodes. config : dict, default = None A dictionary containing all possible configuration options. Entries in this dictionary will overwrite the default config which is .. code:: python _default_config = { 'plot_sampled_curve': True, 'draw_links':True, 'draw_nodes':True, 'n_circle_segments':16, 'plot_height':120, 'bgcolor':'#253237', 'curve_stroke_width':4.0, 'node_stroke_width':1.0, 'link_color': '#4b5a62', 'node_stroke_color':'#000000', 'node_color':'#264653', 'bound_increase_factor':1.0, 'update_dt':0.04, 'show_curves':True, 'draw_nodes_as_rectangles':False, 'show_legend': True, 'legend_font_color':'#fafaef', 'legend_font_size':10, 'padding':10, 'compartment_colors':_colors } """ # update the config and compute some helper variables cfg = deepcopy(_default_config) if config is not None: cfg.update(config) bgcolor = [ _/255 for _ in list(bytes.fromhex(cfg['bgcolor'][1:])) ] + [1.0] width = network['xlim'][1] - network['xlim'][0] height = network['ylim'][1] - network['ylim'][0] size = (width, height) # overwrite network style with the epipack default style network['linkColor'] = cfg['link_color'] network['nodeStrokeColor'] = cfg['node_stroke_color'] for node in network['nodes']: node['color'] = col.hex_bg_colors['light'] N = len(network['nodes']) # get the OpenGL shape objects that comprise the network network_batch = get_network_batch(network, yoffset=0, draw_links=cfg['draw_links'], draw_nodes=cfg['draw_nodes'], draw_nodes_as_rectangles=cfg['draw_nodes_as_rectangles'], n_circle_segments=cfg['n_circle_segments'], ) lines = network_batch['lines'] disks = network_batch['disks'] circles = network_batch['circles'] node_to_lines = network_batch['node_to_lines'] batch = network_batch['batch'] # initialize a simulation state that has to passed to the app # so the app can change simulation parameters simstate = SimulationStatus(len(network['nodes']), sampling_dt) # intialize app window = App(*size,simulation_status=simstate,resizable=True) glClearColor(*bgcolor) # handle different strokewidths if 'nodeStrokeWidth' in network: node_stroke_width = network['nodeStrokeWidth'] else: node_stroke_width = cfg['node_stroke_width'] def _set_linewidth_nodes(): glLineWidth(node_stroke_width) # add the network batch with the right function to set the linewidth # prior to drawing window.add_batch(batch,prefunc=_set_linewidth_nodes) # initialize time arrays t = 0 discrete_time = [t] _cmin, _cmax = value_extent if not callable(_cmin): cmin = lambda _: _cmin else: cmin = _cmin if not callable(_cmax): cmax = lambda _: _cmax else: cmax = _cmax def _get_opacity(val,this_cmin,this_cmax): opacity = (val-this_cmin)/(this_cmax-this_cmin) + this_cmin if opacity > 1.0: opacity = 1.0 if opacity < 0.0: opacity = 0.0 return int(255*opacity) try: node_compartment_indices = np.array([ model.get_compartment_id(C) for C in node_compartments ]) except AttributeError as e: node_compartment_indices = np.array(node_compartments) this_cmin, this_cmax = cmin(model.y0), cmax(model.y0) for node, idx in enumerate(node_compartment_indices): concentration = model.y0[idx] disks[node].opacity = _get_opacity(concentration, this_cmin, this_cmax) # define the pyglet-App update function that's called on every clock cycle def update(dt): # skip if nothing remains to be done if simstate.simulation_ended or simstate.paused: return # get sampling_dt sampling_dt = simstate.sampling_dt # Advance the simulation until time sampling_dt. # `sim_result` is a two-dimensional array # where index sim_result[iC, iT] gives the # concentration of compartment iC at time iT this_t = np.linspace(0, sampling_dt, n_integrator_midpoints+2) sim_result = model.integrate_and_return_by_index( this_t, integrator=integrator, adopt_final_state=True, ) # it might happen that an external model only returns # the final state instead of for each time point if len(sim_result.shape) > 1: result = sim_result[node_compartment_indices,-1] else: result = sim_result[node_compartment_indices] # if nothing changed, evaluate the true total event rate # and if it's zero, do not do anything anymore #did_simulation_end = len(ndx) == 0 and model.get_true_total_event_rate() == 0.0 #simstate.set_simulation_status(did_simulation_end) #if simstate.simulation_ended: # return this_cmin, this_cmax = cmin(result), cmax(result) # detect significant changes (relative change) rel_change = np.abs(result-simstate.old_node_status) ndx = np.where(rel_change>1e-3)[0] #ndx = np.where(rel_change>0)[0] result = result[ndx] # iterate through the nodes that have to be updated #for node, idx in enumerate(node_compartment_indices): if cfg['draw_nodes']: for node, concentration in zip(ndx, result): disks[node].opacity = _get_opacity(concentration,this_cmin,this_cmax) simstate.old_node_status[ndx] = result #simstate.update(result) # schedule the app clock and run the app pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, cfg['update_dt'])
if __name__=="__main__": # pragma: no cover import netwulf as nw from epipack import StochasticEpiModel network, config, _ = nw.load('/Users/bfmaier/pythonlib/facebook/FB.json') N = len(network['nodes']) edge_list = [ ( link['source'], link['target'], 1.0 ) for link in network['links'] ] k0 = 2*len(edge_list)/len(network['nodes']) model = StochasticEpiModel(list("SIRXTQ"), N=len(network['nodes']), edge_weight_tuples=edge_list, ) Reff = 3 R0 = 10 recovery_rate = 1/8 quarantine_rate = 1/16 tracing_rate = 1/2 waning_immunity_rate = 1/14 infection_rate = Reff * (recovery_rate+quarantine_rate) / k0 infection_rate = R0 * (recovery_rate) / k0 model.set_node_transition_processes([ ("I",recovery_rate,"R"), ("I",quarantine_rate,"T"), ("T",tracing_rate,"X"), ("Q",waning_immunity_rate,"S"), ("X",recovery_rate,"R"), ]) model.set_link_transmission_processes([("I","S",infection_rate,"I","I")]) model.set_conditional_link_transmission_processes({ ("T", "->", "X") : [ ("X","I",0.5,"X","T"), #("X","S",0.5,"X","Q"), ], }) model.set_random_initial_conditions({'I':20,'S':N-20}) sampling_dt = 0.08 visualize(model,network,sampling_dt,ignore_plot_compartments=['S'],quarantine_compartments=['X', 'T', 'Q'])