Source code for epipack.temporal_networks

Classes to define temporal networks and run stochastic simulations
on them.

import numpy as np

[docs]class TemporalNetwork(): """ A simple temporal network class. Parameters ========== N : int Static number of nodes in the network. t : list An increasingly ordered list of times. tmax : float The time at which the recording of network changes has concluded (the final time of the temporal network). edge_lists : list A list of lists of tuples. Each entry i of this list represents an edge list. Each entry j of an edge list is a tuple of format .. code:: python ( source, target, weight ) if ``weighted=True``, or .. code:: python ( source, target ) otherwise. ``source`` and ``target`` are supposed to be of unsigned integer type in range ``[0,N)``. weighted : bool, default = False Whether or not ``edge_lists`` contain edge tuples with weights directed : bool, default = False Whether or not edge tuples will be considered to be directed. loop_network : bool, default = True If `True`, the temporal network will be looped indefinitely when iterated. Example ======= >>> edges = [ [ (0,1) ], [ (0,1), (0,2) ], [] ] >>> temporal_network = TemporalNetwork(3,[0,0.5,0.6],1.0,edges) >>> for edge_list, t, next_t in temporal_network: ... if t >= 3: ... break ... print(t, next_t, edge_list) ... 0 0.5 [(0, 1, 1.0)] 0.5 0.6 [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0)] 0.6 1.0 [] 1.0 1.5 [(0, 1, 1.0)] 1.5 1.6 [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0)] 1.6 2.0 [] 2.0 2.5 [(0, 1, 1.0)] 2.5 2.6 [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0)] 2.6 3.0 [] Attributes ========== N : int Total and constant number of nodes in the system. t : list An increasingly ordered list of times. tmax : float The time at which recording of edge changes has concluded (the final time of the temporal network). edge_lists : list A list of lists of tuples. Each entry i of this list represents an edge list. Each entry j of an edge list is a tuple of format .. code:: python ( source, target, weight ) if ``weighted=True``, or .. code:: python ( source, target ) otherwise. ``source`` and ``target`` are supposed to be of unsigned integer type in range ``[0,N)``. weighted : bool Whether or not ``edge_lists`` contain edge tuples with weights directed : bool Whether or not edge uples will be considered to be directed. loop_network : bool If `True`, the temporal network will be looped indefinitely when iterated. """ def __init__(self, N, edge_lists, t, tmax, weighted=False, directed=False, loop_network=True, ): assert([ a == b for a, b in zip(sorted(t),t) ]) assert(t[-1] < tmax) assert(len(edge_lists) == len(t)) _t = np.array(t) assert(np.all(_t[1:] - _t[:-1] > 0)) self.t = t self.tmax = tmax self.N = N self.edge_lists = edge_lists self.weighted = weighted self.directed = directed self.T = tmax - t[0] self.loop_network = loop_network
[docs] @classmethod def from_tacoma(cls, edge_lists, loop_network=True): """Initiate from a tacoma.edge_lists instance""" return cls(edge_lists.N, edge_lists.edges, edge_lists.t, edge_lists.tmax, weighted=False, directed=False, loop_network=loop_network, )
[docs] def t0(self): """Obtain the initial time""" return self.t[0]
[docs] def mean_out_degree(self): """Obtain the temporally averaged mean out-degree""" if not self.weighted: k = 0.0 if not self.directed: factor = 2 else: factor = 1 for edges, t, next_t in self: if self._has_looped(): break k += (next_t - t) * factor*len(edges)/self.N k /= self.T else: k = np.zeros(self.N,dtype=float) for edges, t, next_t in self: if self._has_looped(): break dt = next_t - t for u, v, w in edges: k[u] += w * dt if not self.directed: k[v] += w * dt k = k.mean() / self.T return k
def _has_looped(self): """Whether or not the network has looped at least once""" return self._Delta_t >= self.T def __iter__(self): self._ndx = 0 self._Delta_t = 0 return self def __next__(self): if self._ndx < len(self.t): t0 = self.t0() # get the current time (including potential loops) t = self.t[self._ndx] - t0 t += self._Delta_t + t0 # get the current edges and add default weight = 1.0 if unweighted edges = self.edge_lists[self._ndx] if not self.weighted: edges = [ (u,v,1.0) for u, v in edges ] # increase the iteration pointer and calculate the next # time when changes happen self._ndx += 1 if self._ndx < len(self.t): next_t = self.t[self._ndx] - t0 else: next_t = self.tmax - t0 next_t += self._Delta_t + t0 # if the end of the list is reached and the # network is supposed to be looped, # reset the iteration pointer and # and increase the time loop delta. if self._ndx == len(self.t) and self.loop_network: self._ndx = 0 self._Delta_t += self.T # if the end of the list is reached and # the network is not supposed to be looped, # stop the iteration else: raise StopIteration return edges, t, next_t
[docs]class TemporalNetworkSimulation(): """ Simulation of a StochasticEpiModel on a temporal network. Parameters ========== temporal_network : TemporalNetwork A temporal network object. stochastic_epi_model : epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel An instance of StochasticEpiModel, initialized with processes and initial conditions. Example ======= >>> model = StochasticEpiModel(["S","I","R"],3)\\ >>> .set_link_transmission_processes([ >>> ("I", "S", 1.0, "I", "I"), >>> ])\\ >>> .set_node_transition_processes([ >>> ("I", 2.0, "R"), >>> ])\\ >>> .set_node_statuses([1,0,0]) >>> temporal_network = TemporalNetwork(3,edges,[0,0.5,1.2],1.5) >>> sim = TemporalNetworkSimulation(temporal_network, model) >>> sim.simulate(tmax=100) [ 0. 0.38740794 0.8210494 3.60987397 9.46213129 12.14301704] {'S': array([2., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.]), 'I': array([1., 2., 3., 2., 1., 0.]), 'R': array([0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 3.])} Attributes ========== temporal_network : TemporalNetwork A temporal network object. model : epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel An instance of StochasticEpiModel, initialized with processes and initial conditions. """ def __init__(self,temporal_network,stochastic_epi_model): self.temporal_network = temporal_network self.model = stochastic_epi_model self._initial_node_status = np.array(self.model.node_status) assert(self.temporal_network.N == self.model.N_nodes)
[docs] def simulate(self, tmax, return_compartments=None, max_unsuccessful=None, sample_only_on_network_updates=False, ): """ Simulate a StochasticEpiModel on a temporal network. Parameters ---------- tmax : float maximum length of the simulation return_compartments : list of compartments, default = None: The compartments for which to return time series. If ``None``, all compartments will be returned. max_unsuccessful : int, default = None The number of unsuccessful events after which the true total event rate will be evaluated (it might happen that a network becomes effectively disconnected while nodes are still associated with a maximum event rate). If ``None``, this number will be set equal to the number of nodes. sample_only_on_network_updates : funtion, default = None A function that's called when a sample is taken Returns ------- t : numpy.ndarray times at which compartment counts have been sampled result : dict Dictionary mapping a compartment to a time series of its count. """ if return_compartments is None: return_compartments = self.model.compartments time = [ self.temporal_network.t0() ] result = { C: [ np.count_nonzero( self.model.node_status==self.model.get_compartment_id(C) ) ] for C in return_compartments } for edges, t, next_t in self.temporal_network: if t >= tmax or self.model.simulation_has_ended(): break self.model.set_network( N_nodes=self.temporal_network.N, edge_weight_tuples=edges, directed=self.temporal_network.directed, ) _t, _res = self.model.simulate( t0=t, tmax=next_t, return_compartments=return_compartments, max_unsuccessful=max_unsuccessful, stop_simulation_on_empty_network=False, ) if next_t > tmax: next_t == tmax # only save result if in fact anything changed (i.e. # if the number of sampling times exceeds one. if len(_t) > 1: if sample_only_on_network_updates: time.append(next_t) for C, timeseries in _res.items(): result[C].append(timeseries[-1]) else: # save all sampling events besides the first time.extend(_t.tolist()[1:]) for C, timeseries in _res.items(): result[C].extend(timeseries.tolist()[1:]) time = np.array(time) for C in result: result[C] = np.array(result[C]) return time, result
[docs] def reset(self,node_status=None): """Reset the model""" if node_status is not None: self._initial_node_status = np.array(node_status) self.model.set_node_statuses(self._initial_node_status)
if __name__=="__main__": # pragma: no cover edges = [ [ (0,1) ], [ (0,1), (0,2) ], [] ] temporal_network = TemporalNetwork(3,edges,[0,0.5,0.6],1.0) for edge_list, t, next_t in temporal_network: if t >= 3.0: break print(t, next_t, edge_list) print("Delta T =",temporal_network._Delta_t) for edge_list, t, next_t in temporal_network: print("DeltaT =",temporal_network._Delta_t) break from epipack import StochasticEpiModel infection_rate = 1.0 recovery_rate = 0.2 model = StochasticEpiModel(["S","I","R"],3)\ .set_link_transmission_processes([ ("I", "S", infection_rate, "I", "I"), ])\ .set_node_transition_processes([ ("I", recovery_rate, "R"), ])\ .set_node_statuses([1,0,0]) temporal_network = TemporalNetwork(3,edges,[0,0.5,1.2],1.5) sim = TemporalNetworkSimulation(temporal_network, model) t, res = sim.simulate(100) print(t, res) sim.reset() print(sim.model.node_status) t, res = sim.simulate(100) print(t, res) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl from tqdm import tqdm N_meas = 10000 #model = StochasticEpiModel(["S","I","R"],3)\ # .set_link_transmission_processes([ # ("I", "S", infection_rate, "I", "I"), # ])\ # .set_node_transition_processes([ # ("I", recovery_rate, "R"), # ])\ model.set_node_statuses([1,0,0]) #temporal_network = TemporalNetwork(3,edges,[0,0.5,1.5],3.0) #sim = TemporalNetworkSimulation(temporal_network, model) taus = [] for meas in tqdm(range(N_meas)): sim.reset() t, res = sim.simulate(1000) if t[-1] == 0: continue else: taus.append(t[1]) pl.hist(taus,bins=200,density=True) def rate(t): t = t % 1.5 if t < 0.5: return infection_rate + recovery_rate elif t < 1.2: return 2*infection_rate + recovery_rate elif t < 1.5: return recovery_rate from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz t = np.linspace(0,max(taus),10000) rates = np.array([rate(_t) for _t in t]) RATES = cumtrapz(rates,t,initial=0.0) pl.plot(t,rates*np.exp(-RATES)) #pl.yscale('log')