Source code for epipack.symbolic_matrix_epi_models

Provides an API to define epidemiological models in terms of sympy symbolic expressions based on a matrix description.

import warnings

import numpy as np 
import scipy.sparse as sprs

import sympy

from epipack.process_conversions import (

from epipack.numeric_matrix_epi_models import MatrixEpiModel
from epipack.symbolic_epi_models import SymbolicMixin

[docs]class SymbolicMatrixEpiModel(SymbolicMixin,MatrixEpiModel): """ A general class to define standard mean-field compartmental epidemiological model. Parameters ---------- compartments : :obj:`list` of :obj:`string` A list containing compartment strings. Attributes ---------- compartments : :obj:`list` of :obj:`string` A list containing strings that describe each compartment, (e.g. "S", "I", etc.). N_comp : :obj:`int` Number of compartments (including population number) linear_rates : sympy.Matrix Matrix containing transition rates of the linear processes. quadratic_rates : list of sympy.Matrix List of matrices that contain transition rates of the quadratic processes for each compartment. affected_by_quadratic_process : :obj:`list` of :obj:`int` List of integer compartment IDs, collecting compartments that are affected by the quadratic processes Example ------- .. code:: python >>> epi = SymbolicMatrixEpiModel(symbols("S I R")) >>> print(epi.compartments) [ S, I, R ] """ def __init__(self,compartments,initial_population_size=1,correct_for_dynamical_population_size=False): """ """ MatrixEpiModel.__init__(self, compartments, initial_population_size, correct_for_dynamical_population_size) self.t = sympy.symbols("t") if self.t in self.compartments: raise ValueError("Don't use `t` as a compartment symbol, as it is reserved for time.") self.has_functional_rates = False self.birth_rates = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) self.linear_rates = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp) self.quadratic_rates = [ sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp)\ for c in range(self.N_comp) ] self.birth_events = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) self.linear_events = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp) self.quadratic_events = [ sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp)\ for c in range(self.N_comp) ] self.parameter_values = {}
[docs] def set_linear_rates(self,rate_list,reset_rates=True,allow_nonzero_column_sums=True): """ Define the linear transition rates between compartments. Parameters ========== rate_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` A list of tuples that contains transitions rates in the following format: .. code:: python [ ( acting_compartment, affected_compartment, rate ), ... ] allow_nonzero_column_sums : :obj:`bool`, default : False This keyword has no function in this class reset_rates : bool, default : True Whether to reset all linear rates to zero before setting the new ones. """ if reset_rates: linear_rates = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp) birth_rates = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) self.has_functional_rates = False else: linear_rates = sympy.Matrix(self.linear_rates) birth_rates = sympy.Matrix(self.birth_rates) for acting_compartment, affected_compartment, rate in rate_list: _t = self.get_compartment_id(affected_compartment) if acting_compartment is None: birth_rates[_t] += rate else: _s = self.get_compartment_id(acting_compartment) linear_rates[_t, _s] += rate self._check_rate_for_functional_dependency(rate) self.linear_rates = linear_rates self.birth_rates = birth_rates return self
def _check_rate_for_functional_dependency(self,rate): try: self.has_functional_rates |= any([ compartment in rate.free_symbols for compartment in self.compartments]) except AttributeError as e: return
[docs] def set_quadratic_rates(self,rate_list,reset_rates=True,allow_nonzero_column_sums=False): r""" Define the quadratic transition processes between compartments. Parameters ---------- rate_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` A list of tuples that contains transitions rates in the following format: .. code:: python [ ("coupling_compartment_0", "coupling_compartment_1", "affected_compartment", rate ), ... ] allow_nonzero_column_sums : :obj:`bool`, default : False This keyword has no function in this class reset_rates : bool, default : True Whether to reset all quadratic rates to zero before setting the new ones. Example ------- For an SEIR model. .. code:: python epi.set_quadratic_rates([ ("S", "I", "S", -1 ), ("S", "I", "E", +1 ) ]) Read as "Coupling of *S* and *I* leads to a reduction in "S" proportional to :math:`S\times I` and rate -1/time_unit. Furthermore, coupling of *S* and *I* leads to an increase in "E" proportional to :math:`S\times I` and rate +1/time_unit." """ if reset_rates: matrices = [None for c in self.compartments] for c in range(self.N_comp): matrices[c] = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp) all_affected = [] self.has_functional_rates = False else: matrices = [ sympy.Matrix(M) for M in self.quadratic_rates ] all_affected = self.affected_by_quadratic_process if len(self.affected_by_quadratic_process)>0 else [] for coupling0, coupling1, affected, rate in rate_list: c0, c1 = sorted([ self.get_compartment_id(c) for c in [coupling0, coupling1] ]) a = self.get_compartment_id(affected) self._check_rate_for_functional_dependency(rate) matrices[a][c0,c1] += rate all_affected.append(a) self.affected_by_quadratic_process = sorted(list(set(all_affected))) self.quadratic_rates = matrices return self
[docs] def dydt(self): """ Obtain the equations of motion for this model in form of a sympy.Matrix. """ y = sympy.Matrix(self.compartments) ynew = self.linear_rates * y + self.birth_rates if self.correct_for_dynamical_population_size: population_size = sum(self.compartments) else: population_size = self.initial_population_size for c in self.affected_by_quadratic_process: ynew[c] += (y.T * self.quadratic_rates[c] * y)[0,0] / population_size return ynew
[docs]class SymbolicMatrixSIModel(SymbolicMatrixEpiModel): """ An SI model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicMatrixEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I = sympy.symbols("S I") SymbolicMatrixEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I], initial_population_size) self.set_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ])
[docs]class SymbolicMatrixSIRModel(SymbolicMatrixEpiModel): """ An SIR model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicMatrixEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, recovery_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I, R = sympy.symbols("S I R") SymbolicMatrixEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I, R], initial_population_size) self.add_transmission_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ]) self.add_transition_processes([ (I, recovery_rate, R), ])
[docs]class SymbolicMatrixSISModel(SymbolicMatrixEpiModel): """ An SIS model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicMatrixEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, recovery_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I = sympy.symbols("S I") SymbolicMatrixEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I], initial_population_size) self.add_transmission_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ]) self.add_transition_processes([ (I, recovery_rate, S), ])
[docs]class SymbolicMatrixSIRSModel(SymbolicMatrixEpiModel): """ An SIRS model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicMatrixEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, recovery_rate, waning_immunity_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I, R = sympy.symbols("S I R") SymbolicMatrixEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I, R], initial_population_size) self.add_transmission_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ]) self.add_transition_processes([ (I, recovery_rate, R), (R, waning_immunity_rate, S), ])
if __name__=="__main__": # pragma: no cover import sympy S, I, eta, rho = sympy.symbols("S I eta rho") SIS = SymbolicMatrixEpiModel([S,I]) SIS.add_transmission_processes([ (I, S, eta, I, I), ]) SIS.add_transition_processes([ (I, rho, S), ]) print(SIS.find_fixed_points()) print(SIS.get_eigenvalues_at_fixed_point({S:1})) print("==========") SIS = SymbolicMatrixEpiModel([S,I]) SIS.set_processes([ (I, S, eta/(1-I), I, I), (I, rho, S), ]) print(SIS.jacobian()) print(SIS.get_eigenvalues_at_disease_free_state()) print("gray scott") u, v, f, k = sympy.symbols("u v f k") GS = SymbolicMatrixEpiModel([u,v]) GS.set_linear_rates([ (None, u, f), (u, u, -f), (v, v, -f-k), ]) GS.set_quadratic_rates([ (u, v, u, -v), (u, v, v, +v), ]) GS.set_processes([ (u, f, None), (None, f, u), (v, f+k, None), (u, v, v*1, v, v), ],ignore_rate_position_checks=True) print(GS.ODEs()) print(GS.find_fixed_points()) print("===========") N, omega = sympy.symbols("N omega") epi = SymbolicMatrixSIRSModel(eta, rho, omega, initial_population_size=N) print() print(epi.ODEs()) print(epi.find_fixed_points()) print("==========") x = sympy.symbols("x") SIS = SymbolicMatrixEpiModel([x,I]) SIS.set_processes([ (I, x, eta/(1-I), I, I), (I, rho, x), ]) try: print(SIS.get_eigenvalues_at_disease_free_state()) except ValueError as e: print(e) print("===========") S, I = sympy.symbols("S I") epi = SymbolicMatrixSISModel(eta, rho) epi.set_initial_conditions({S: 1-0.01, I:0.01 }) epi.set_parameter_values({eta:2,rho:1}) tt = np.linspace(0,10,1000) result = epi.integrate(tt) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.plot(tt, result[S]) pl.plot(tt, result[I]) print("===========") t, S, I = sympy.symbols("t S I") epi = SymbolicMatrixSISModel((1.5+sympy.cos(t))*eta, rho) epi.set_initial_conditions({S: 1-0.2, I:0.2 }) epi.set_parameter_values({eta:2,rho:1}) tt = np.linspace(0,20,1000) result = epi.integrate(tt) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.figure() pl.plot(tt, result[S]) pl.plot(tt, result[I]) print("===========") t, S, I = sympy.symbols("t S I") epi = SymbolicMatrixSISModel(eta/(1-S), rho) epi.set_initial_conditions({S: 1-0.2, I:0.2 }) epi.set_parameter_values({eta:2,rho:1}) tt = np.linspace(0,5,1000) result = epi.integrate(tt) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.figure() pl.plot(tt, result[S]) pl.plot(tt, result[I])