Source code for epipack.symbolic_epi_models

Provides an API to define epidemiological
models in terms of sympy symbolic expressions.

import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sprs

import sympy

from epipack.numeric_epi_models import EpiModel, custom_choice
from IPython.display import Math, display
from sympy.printing.theanocode import theano_function

[docs]class SymbolicMixin(): """ Provides methods that are useful to both :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicEpiModel` and :class:`epipack.symbolic_matrix_epi_models.SymbolicMatrixEpiModel` """
[docs] def ODEs(self): """ Obtain the equations of motion for this model in form of equations. """ t = sympy.symbols("t") Eqs = [] ynew = self.dydt() for compartment, expr in zip(self.compartments,ynew): dXdt = sympy.Derivative(compartment, t) Eqs.append(sympy.Eq(dXdt, sympy.simplify(expr))) return Eqs
[docs] def ODEs_jupyter(self): """ Pretty-print the equations of motion for this model in a Jupyter notebook. """ for ode in self.ODEs(): display(Math(sympy.latex(ode)))
[docs] def find_fixed_points(self): """ Find states in which this model is stationary (fixed points). """ ynew = [expr for expr in self.dydt()] return sympy.nonlinsolve(ynew, self.compartments)
[docs] def jacobian(self,simplify=True): """ Obtain the Jacobian for this model. Parameters ---------- simplify : bool, default = True If ``True``, `epipack` will try to simplify the evaluated Jacobian. This might not be desirable in some cases due to its long evaluation time, which is why it can be turned off. """ try: self.linear_rates has_matrix = True except AttributeError as e: has_matrix = False if has_matrix and not self.has_functional_rates: y = sympy.Matrix(self.compartments) J = sympy.Matrix(self.linear_rates) for i in range(self.N_comp): J[i,:] += (self.quadratic_rates[i] * y + self.quadratic_rates[i].T * y).T else: y = sympy.Matrix(self.compartments) J = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp, self.N_comp) dydt = self.dydt() for i in range(self.N_comp): for j in range(self.N_comp): J[i,j] = sympy.diff(dydt[i], self.compartments[j]) if simplify: J = sympy.simplify(J) return J
[docs] def get_jacobian_at_fixed_point(self,fixed_point_dict,simplify=True): """ Obtain the Jacobian at a given fixed point. Parameters ---------- fixed_point_dict : dict A dictionary where a compartment symbol maps to an expression (the value of this compartment in the fixed point). If compartments are missing, it is implicitly assumed that this compartment has a value of zero. simplify : bool whether or not to let sympy try to simplify the expressions Returns ------- J : sympy.Matrix The Jacobian matrix at the given fixed point. """ fixed_point = self._convert_fixed_point_dict(fixed_point_dict) J = self.jacobian(False) for compartment, value in fixed_point: J = J.subs(compartment, value) if simplify: J = sympy.simplify(J) return J
[docs] def get_eigenvalues_at_fixed_point(self,fixed_point_dict): """ Obtain the Jacobian's eigenvalues at a given fixed point. Parameters ---------- fixed_point_dict : dict A dictionary where a compartment symbol maps to an expression (the value of this compartment in the fixed point). If compartments are missing, it is implicitly assumed that this compartment has a value of zero. Returns ------- eigenvalues : dict Each entry maps an eigenvalue expression to its multiplicity. """ J = self.get_jacobian_at_fixed_point(fixed_point_dict) return J.eigenvals()
[docs] def get_eigenvalues_at_disease_free_state(self,disease_free_state=None): """ Obtain the Jacobian's eigenvalues at the disease free state. Parameters ---------- disease_free_state : dict, default = None A dictionary where a compartment symbol maps to an expression (the value of this compartment in the fixed point). If compartments are missing, it is implicitly assumed that this compartment has a value of zero. If ``None``, the disease_free_state is assumed to be at ``disease_free_state = { S: 1 }``. Returns ------- eigenvalues : dict Each entry maps an eigenvalue expression to its multiplicity. """ if disease_free_state is None: S = sympy.symbols("S") if S not in self.compartments: raise ValueError("The disease free state was not provided to the method. "+\ "I tried to assume the disease free state is at S = 1, "+\ "but no `S`-compartment was found.") disease_free_state = {S:1} return self.get_eigenvalues_at_fixed_point(disease_free_state)
def _convert_fixed_point_dict(self,fixed_point_dict): """ Get a fixed point item iterator. Parameters ---------- fixed_point_dict : dict A dictionary where a compartment symbol maps to an expression (the value of this compartment in the fixed point). If compartments are missing, it is implicitly assumed that this compartment has a value of zero. Returns ------- fixed_point : iterator of list of tuple A list that is ``N_comp`` entries long. Each entry contains a compartment symbol and an expression that corresponds to the value this compartment assumes in the fixed point. """ fixed_point = {} for compartment in self.compartments: fixed_point[compartment] = 0 fixed_point.update(fixed_point_dict) return fixed_point.items()
[docs] def set_parameter_values(self,parameter_values): """ Set numerical values for the parameters of this model. This might include free symbols that are part of symbolized rate functions. Parameters ========== parameter_values : dict A dictionary mapping symbols to numerical values. """ self.parameter_values = parameter_values
[docs] def get_numerical_dydt(self,lambdify_modules='numpy'): r""" Returns values of the given compartments at the demanded time points (as a numpy.ndarray of shape ``(return_compartments), len(time_points)``. Parameters ========== time_points : np.ndarray An array of time points at which the compartment values should be evaluated and returned. return_compartments : list, default = None A list of compartments for which the result should be returned. If ``return_compartments`` is None, all compartments will be returned. integrator : str, default = 'dopri5' Which method to use for integration. Currently supported are ``'euler'`` and ``'dopri5'``. If ``'euler'`` is chosen, :math:`\delta t` will be determined by the difference of consecutive entries in ``time_points``. adopt_final_state : bool, default = False Whether or not to adopt the final state of the integration Returns ======= dydt : func A function ``dydt(t, y, *args, **kwargs)`` that returns the numerical momenta of this system at time ``t`` and state vector ``y``. """ these_symbols = [sympy.symbols("t")] + self.compartments params = list(self.parameter_values.items()) param_symbols = set([_p[0] for _p in params]) odes = [ ode.subs(params) for ode in self.dydt() ] not_set = [] for ode in odes: not_set.extend(ode.free_symbols) not_set = set(not_set) - set(these_symbols) if len(not_set) > 0: raise ValueError("Parameters", set(not_set), "have not been set. Please set them using", "SymbolicEpiModel.parameter_values()") F_sympy = sympy.lambdify(these_symbols, odes, modules=lambdify_modules) def dydt(t, y, *args, **kwargs): these_args = [t] + y.tolist() return np.array(F_sympy(*these_args)) return dydt
[docs] def get_numerical_event_and_rate_functions(self): """ Converts the symbolic event lists and corresponding symbolic rates to functions that return numeric event lists and numeric rates based on the current time and state vector. This function is needed in the :class:`epipack.numeric_epi_models.EpiModel` base class for stochastic simulations. Returns ------- get_event_rates : func A function that takes the current time ``t`` and state vector ``y`` and returns numerical event rate lists. get_compartment_changes : funx A function that takes a numerical list of event ``rates`` and returns a random event state change vector with probability proportional to its entry in ``rates``. """ rates = self.birth_rate_functions + self.linear_rate_functions if self.correct_for_dynamical_population_size: population_size = sum(self.compartments) else: population_size = self.initial_population_size rates += [ r/population_size for r in self.quadratic_rate_functions ] events = self.birth_event_updates + self.linear_event_updates + self.quadratic_event_updates these_symbols = [sympy.symbols("t")] + self.compartments params = list(self.parameter_values.items()) param_symbols = set([_p[0] for _p in params]) rates = [ sympy.sympify(rate).subs(params) for rate in rates ] events = [ np.array(event).astype(np.float64).flatten() for event in events ] not_set = [] for rate in rates: not_set.extend(rate.free_symbols) not_set = set(not_set) - set(these_symbols) if len(not_set) > 0: raise ValueError("Parameters " + str(set(not_set)) +\ "have not been set. Please set them using " +\ "SymbolicEpiModel.parameter_values()") sympy_rates = sympy.lambdify(these_symbols, rates) def get_event_rates(t, y): """ Returns numerical event rate lists based on current state vector ``y`` and time ``t``. """ these_args = [t] + y.tolist() return np.array(sympy_rates(*these_args)) def get_compartment_changes(rates): """ Choose an event change vector based on the current ``rates``. """ idy = custom_choice(rates/rates.sum()) return events[idy] return get_event_rates, get_compartment_changes
[docs]def get_temporal_interpolation(time_data, value_data, interpolation_degree=1): """ Obtain a symbolic piecewise function that interpolates between values given in ``value_data`` for the intervals defined in ``time_data``, based on a spline interpolation of degree ``interpolation_degree``. If ``interpolation_degree == 0``, the function changes according to step functions. In this case ``time_data`` needs to have one value more than ``value_data``. The values in ``time_data`` and ``value_data`` can be symbols or numeric values. Parameters ---------- time_data : list Sorted list of time values. value_data : list List of values corresponding to the times given in ``time_data``. interpolation_degree : int The degree of the polynomial that interpolates between values. """ t = sympy.symbols("t") if interpolation_degree == 0: if len(time_data) != len(value_data)+1: raise ValueError("For ``interpolation_degree == 0``, `time_data`` " +\ "needs to have one value more than ``value_data``.") return sympy.Piecewise(*[ (v, (time_data[i] <= t) & ( t < time_data[i+1])) \ for i, v in enumerate(value_data) ]) else: return sympy.interpolating_spline(interpolation_degree, t, time_data, value_data)
[docs]class SymbolicEpiModel(SymbolicMixin, EpiModel): """ Define a model based on the analytical framework offered by `Sympy <>`_. This class uses the event-based framework where state-change vectors are associated with event rates. Parameters ========== compartments : list A list of :class:`sympy.Symbol` instances that symbolize compartments. initial_population_size : float, default = 1.0 The population size at :math:`t = 0`. correct_for_dynamical_population_size : bool, default = False If ``True``, the quadratic coupling terms will be divided by the sum of all compartments, otherwise they will be divided by the initial population size. Attributes ========== compartments : list A list of :class:`sympy.Symbol` instances that symbolize compartments. N_comp : :obj:`int` Number of compartments (including population number) parameter_values : dict Maps parameter symbols to numerical values, initial_population_size : float The population size at :math:`t = 0`. correct_for_dynamical_population_size : bool If ``True``, the quadratic coupling terms will be divided by the sum of all compartments, otherwise they will be divided by the initial population size. birth_rate_functions : list of symbolic expressions A list of functions that return rate values based on time ``t`` and state vector ``y``. Each entry corresponds to an event update in ``self.birth_event_updates``. birth_event_updates : list of sympy.Matrix A list of vectors. Each entry corresponds to a rate in ``birth_rate_functions`` and quantifies the change in individual counts in the compartments. linear_rate_functions : list of symbolic expressions A list of functions that return rate values based on time ``t`` and state vector ``y``. Each entry corresponds to an event update in ``self.linear_event_updates``. linear_event_updates : list of sympy.Matrix A list of vectors. Each entry corresponds to a rate in ``linear_rate_functions`` and quantifies the change in individual counts in the compartments. quadratic_rate_functions : list of symbolic expressions A list of functions that return rate values based on time ``t`` and state vector ``y``. Each entry corresponds to an event update in ``self.quadratic_event_updates``. quadratic_event_updates : list of sympy.Matrix A list of vectors. Each entry corresponds to a rate in ``quadratic_rate_functions`` and quantifies the change in individual counts in the compartments. y0 : numpy.ndarray The initial conditions. rates_have_explicit_time_dependence : bool Internal switch that's flipped when a non-constant rate is passed to the model. """ def __init__(self,compartments, initial_population_size=1, correct_for_dynamical_population_size=False, ): EpiModel.__init__(self, compartments, initial_population_size=initial_population_size, correct_for_dynamical_population_size=correct_for_dynamical_population_size, ) self.t = sympy.symbols("t") if self.t in self.compartments: raise ValueError("Don't use `t` as a compartment symbol, as it is reserved for time.") self.parameter_values = {} def _check_rate_for_functional_dependency(self,rate): """ Sets the attribute ``rates_have_explicit_time_dependence`` to ``True`` if ``rate`` has an explicit functional dependency on a :class:`sympy.Symbol` called ``"t"``. """ try: t = sympy.symbols("t") has_time_dependence = t in rate.free_symbols self.rates_have_explicit_time_dependence |= has_time_dependence except AttributeError as e: return
[docs] def set_linear_events(self,event_list,allow_nonzero_column_sums=False,reset_events=True): r""" Define the linear transition events between compartments. Parameters ========== event_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` A list of tuples that contains transition events in the following format: .. code:: python [ ( ("affected_compartment_0",), rate, [ ("affected_compartment_0", dN0), ("affected_compartment_1", dN1), ... ], ), ... ] allow_nonzero_column_sums : :obj:`bool`, default : False Traditionally, epidemiological models preserve the total population size. If that's not the case, switch off testing for this. reset_events : bool, default : True Whether to reset all linear events to zero before converting those. Example ------- For an SEIR model with infectious period ``tau`` and incubation period ``theta``. .. code:: python epi.set_linear_events([ ( ("E",), 1/theta, [ ("E", -1), ("I", +1) ] ), ( ("I",), 1/tau, [ ("I", -1), ("R", +1) ] ), ]) Read as "compartment E reacts with rate :math:`1/\theta` which leads to the decay of one E particle to one I particle." """ if reset_events: birth_rate_functions = [] birth_event_updates = [] linear_rate_functions = [] linear_event_updates = [] else: linear_event_updates = self.linear_event_updates birth_event_updates = self.birth_event_updates linear_rate_functions = self.linear_rate_functions birth_rate_functions = self.birth_rate_functions for acting_compartments, rate, affected_compartments in event_list: dy = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) for trg, change in affected_compartments: _t = self.get_compartment_id(trg) dy[_t] += change if acting_compartments[0] is None: self._check_rate_for_functional_dependency(rate) birth_event_updates.append( dy ) birth_rate_functions.append( rate ) else: # check if compartment was defined as a function this_compartment = acting_compartments[0] self._check_rate_for_functional_dependency(rate) this_rate = rate * this_compartment linear_event_updates.append( dy ) linear_rate_functions.append( this_rate ) if not allow_nonzero_column_sums and len(linear_rate_functions)>0: _y = np.ones(self.N_comp) test = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) for dy, r in zip (linear_event_updates, linear_rate_functions): test += dy * r for dy, r in zip (birth_event_updates, birth_rate_functions): test += dy * r test_sum = sum(test) if test_sum != 0: warnings.warn("events do not sum to zero for each column:" + str(test_sum)) self.linear_event_updates = linear_event_updates self.linear_rate_functions = linear_rate_functions self.birth_event_updates = birth_event_updates self.birth_rate_functions = birth_rate_functions return self
[docs] def set_quadratic_events(self,event_list,allow_nonzero_column_sums=False,reset_events=True): r""" Define the quadratic transition events between compartments. Parameters ---------- event_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` A list of tuples that contains transmission events in the following format: .. code:: python [ ( ("coupling_compartment_0", "coupling_compartment_1"), rate, [ ("affected_compartment_0", dN0), ("affected_compartment_1", dN1), ... ], ), ... ] allow_nonzero_column_sums : :obj:`bool`, default : False Traditionally, epidemiological models preserve the total population size. If that's not the case, switch off testing for this. reset_events : bool, default : True Whether to reset all linear events to zero before converting those. Example ------- For an SEIR model with infection rate ``eta``. .. code:: python epi.set_quadratic_events([ ( ("S", "I"), eta, [ ("S", -1), ("E", +1) ] ), ]) Read as "Coupling of *S* and *I* leads to the decay of one *S* particle to one *E* particle with rate :math:`\eta`.". """ if reset_events: quadratic_event_updates = [] quadratic_rate_functions = [] else: quadratic_event_updates = self.quadratic_event_updates quadratic_rate_functions = self.quadratic_rate_functions for coupling_compartments, rate, affected_compartments in event_list: _s0 = coupling_compartments[0] _s1 = coupling_compartments[1] dy = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) for trg, change in affected_compartments: _t = self.get_compartment_id(trg) dy[_t] += change self._check_rate_for_functional_dependency(rate) this_rate = rate * _s0 * _s1 quadratic_event_updates.append( dy ) quadratic_rate_functions.append( this_rate ) if not allow_nonzero_column_sums and len(quadratic_rate_functions)>0: dy = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) test = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) for dy, r in zip (quadratic_event_updates, quadratic_rate_functions): test += dy * r test_sum = sum(test) if test_sum != 0: warnings.warn("events do not sum to zero for each column:" + str(test_sum)) self.quadratic_event_updates = quadratic_event_updates self.quadratic_rate_functions = quadratic_rate_functions return self
[docs] def dydt(self): """ Compute the momenta of the epidemiological model as symbolic expressions. Parameters ---------- t : :obj:`float` Current time y : numpy.ndarray The entries correspond to the compartment frequencies (or counts, depending on population size). """ ynew = sympy.zeros(self.N_comp,1) for dy, r in zip(self.birth_event_updates, self.birth_rate_functions): ynew += r * dy for dy, r in zip(self.linear_event_updates, self.linear_rate_functions): ynew += r * dy if self.correct_for_dynamical_population_size: population_size = sum(self.compartments) else: population_size = self.initial_population_size for dy, r in zip(self.quadratic_event_updates, self.quadratic_rate_functions): ynew += r/population_size * dy return ynew
[docs]class SymbolicODEModel(SymbolicEpiModel): """ Define a model purely based on a list of ODEs. Parameters ========== ODEs : list A list of symbolic ODEs in format .. code:: python sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(Y, t), expr) """ def __init__(self, ODEs): compartments = self._get_compartments_and_assert_derivatives(ODEs) self._dydt = [ eq.rhs for eq in ODEs ] SymbolicEpiModel.__init__(self, compartments) def _get_compartments_and_assert_derivatives(self, ODEs): """ Iterate through a list of ODES, assert that each of them is of format .. code:: python sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(Y, t), expr) and return a list of `Y` symbols that are assumed to be compartments (ordered by appearance in ``ODEs``). """ t = sympy.symbols("t") compartments = [] for eq in ODEs: lhs, rhs = eq.lhs, eq.rhs assert(isinstance(lhs, sympy.Derivative)) expr = lhs.expr variables = lhs.variables assert(len(expr.free_symbols) == 1) assert(len(variables) == 1) assert(variables[0] == t) compartments.append(list(expr.free_symbols)[0]) return compartments
[docs] def dydt(self): """ Return the momenta of the epidemiological model as symbolic expressions. """ return self._dydt
[docs] def simulate(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'simulate'")
[docs] def set_linear_events(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'set_linear_events'")
[docs] def set_quadratic_events(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'set_quadratic_events'")
[docs] def set_processes(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'set_processes'")
[docs] def add_transition_processes(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'add_transition_processes'")
[docs] def add_fission_processes(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'add_fission_processes'")
[docs] def add_fusion_processes(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'add_fusion_processes'")
[docs] def add_transmission_processes(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'add_transmission_processes'")
[docs] def add_quadratic_events(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'add_quadratic_events'")
[docs] def add_linear_events(self,*args,**kwargs): raise AttributeError("'SymbolicODEModel' object has no attribute 'add_linear_events")
[docs]class SymbolicSIModel(SymbolicEpiModel): """ An SI model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I = sympy.symbols("S I") SymbolicEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I], initial_population_size) self.set_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ])
[docs]class SymbolicSIRModel(SymbolicEpiModel): """ An SIR model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, recovery_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I, R = sympy.symbols("S I R") SymbolicEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I, R], initial_population_size) self.add_transmission_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ]) self.add_transition_processes([ (I, recovery_rate, R), ])
[docs]class SymbolicSISModel(SymbolicEpiModel): """ An SIS model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, recovery_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I = sympy.symbols("S I") SymbolicEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I], initial_population_size) self.add_transmission_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ]) self.add_transition_processes([ (I, recovery_rate, S), ])
[docs]class SymbolicSIRSModel(SymbolicEpiModel): """ An SIRS model derived from :class:`epipack.symbolic_epi_models.SymbolicEpiModel`. """ def __init__(self, infection_rate, recovery_rate, waning_immunity_rate, initial_population_size=1): S, I, R = sympy.symbols("S I R") SymbolicEpiModel.__init__(self,[S, I, R], initial_population_size) self.add_transmission_processes([ (S, I, infection_rate, I, I), ]) self.add_transition_processes([ (I, recovery_rate, R), (R, waning_immunity_rate, S), ])
if __name__=="__main__": # pragma: no cover eta, rho = sympy.symbols("eta rho") epi = SymbolicSIRModel(eta, rho) #for C, M in zip(epi.compartments, epi.quadratic_rates): # print(C, M) print(epi.dydt()) print(epi.jacobian()) print(epi.get_eigenvalues_at_disease_free_state()) print(epi.dydt()) print(epi.ODEs()) print(epi.find_fixed_points()) epi = SymbolicSISModel(eta, rho) print() print(epi.ODEs()) print(epi.find_fixed_points()) omega = sympy.symbols("omega") epi = SymbolicSIRSModel(eta, rho, omega) print() print(epi.ODEs()) print(epi.find_fixed_points()) import sympy from epipack import SymbolicEpiModel S, I, eta, rho = sympy.symbols("S I eta rho") SIS = SymbolicEpiModel([S,I]) SIS.add_transmission_processes([ (I, S, eta, I, I), ]) SIS.add_transition_processes([ (I, rho, S), ]) print(SIS.find_fixed_points()) print(SIS.get_eigenvalues_at_fixed_point({S:1})) print("==========") SIS = SymbolicEpiModel([S,I]) SIS.set_processes([ (I, S, eta/(1-I), I, I), (I, rho, S), ]) print(SIS.jacobian()) print(SIS.get_eigenvalues_at_disease_free_state()) N = sympy.symbols("N") epi = SymbolicSIRSModel(eta, rho, omega, initial_population_size=N) print() print(epi.ODEs()) print(epi.find_fixed_points()) print("==========") x = sympy.symbols("x") SIS = SymbolicEpiModel([x,I]) SIS.set_processes([ (I, x, eta/(1-I), I, I), (I, rho, x), ]) try: print(SIS.get_eigenvalues_at_disease_free_state()) except ValueError as e: print(e) print("===========") S, I = sympy.symbols("S I") epi = SymbolicSISModel(eta, rho) epi.set_initial_conditions({S: 1-0.01, I:0.01 }) epi.set_parameter_values({eta:2,rho:1}) tt = np.linspace(0,10,1000) result = epi.integrate(tt) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.plot(tt, result[S]) pl.plot(tt, result[I]) print("===========") t, S, I = sympy.symbols("t S I") epi = SymbolicSISModel((1.5+sympy.cos(t))*eta, rho) epi.set_initial_conditions({S: 1-0.2, I:0.2 }) epi.set_parameter_values({eta:2,rho:1}) tt = np.linspace(0,20,1000) result = epi.integrate(tt) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.figure() pl.plot(tt, result[S]) pl.plot(tt, result[I]) print("===========") t, S, I = sympy.symbols("t S I") epi = SymbolicSISModel(eta/(1-S), rho) epi.set_initial_conditions({S: 1-0.2, I:0.2 }) epi.set_parameter_values({eta:2,rho:1}) tt = np.linspace(0,5,1000) result = epi.integrate(tt) import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.figure() pl.plot(tt, result[S]) pl.plot(tt, result[I])