Source code for epipack.stochastic_epi_models

Contains a general base class to define 
stochastic epidemiological models in
populations of constant size.

import warnings
from itertools import groupby

import numpy as np

# Try to import the original SamplableSet,
# but if that doesn't work, use the mock version
# that's implemented in this package
    from SamplableSet import SamplableSet
except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # pragma: no cover
    warnings.warn("Couldn't find the efficient implementation of `SamplableSet` (see Proceeding with less efficient implementation.")
    from epipack.mock_samplable_set import MockSamplableSet as SamplableSet

from epipack.mock_samplable_set import choice as _choice

# define some integer pointers to positions in lists/tuples

# positions of compartments in event tuples

# position of the edge weight in weighted edge tuples

# positions of items in the event lists
_RATES = 1

[docs]class StochasticEpiModel(): """ A general class to define any compartmental epidemiological model that can be run in a well-mixed system or on a weighted, directed network. By default, the epidemiological process is considered to run in a well-mixed system. Parameters ---------- compartments : :obj:`list` of :obj:`string` A list containing compartment strings. N_nodes : int The number of nodes in the system. edge_weight_tuples : list of tuples of (int, int, float), default = None Choose this ption The links along which transmissions can take place. .. code:: python [ (source_id, target_id, weight), ... ] directed : bool, default = False If `directed` is False, each entry in the edge_weight_tuples is considered to equally point from `target_id` to `source_id` with weight `weight`. well_mixed_mean_contact_number : int, default = 1 By default, the epidemiological process is considered to run in a well-mixed population where for each link-transmission event, a node is assumed to have contact to exactly one other node. Increase this contact number by adjusting this parameter. Attributes ---------- compartments : :obj:`list` of :obj:`string` A list containing strings or other hash-able types that describe each compartment, (e.g. "S", "I", etc.). N_comp : :obj:`int` Number of compartments (including population number) node_status : numpy.ndarray of int Each entry gives the compartment that the corresponding node is part of. Example ------- .. code:: python >>> epi = StochasticEpiModel(["S","I","R"],10) >>> print(epi.compartments) [ "S", "I", "R" ] """ def __init__(self,compartments,N,edge_weight_tuples=None,directed=False,well_mixed_mean_contact_number=1): """ """ # initial conditions self.y0 = None # compartment definitions self.compartments = list(compartments) self.N_comp = len(self.compartments) # lists defining events and their rates self.node_transition_events = None self.link_transmission_events = None self.node_and_link_events = None self.conditional_link_transmission_events = None self.transitioning_compartments = None self.transmitting_compartments = None self.node_status = None # check whether to initiate as a network or well-mixed simulation if edge_weight_tuples is not None: self.set_network(N, edge_weight_tuples, directed) else: self.set_well_mixed(N,well_mixed_mean_contact_number) self._simulation_ended = False
[docs] def set_network(self,N_nodes,edge_weight_tuples,directed=False): """ Define the model to run on a network. Parameters --------- N_nodes : int Number of nodes in the system edge_weight_tuples : list of tuple of (int, int, float) The links along which transmissions can take place. .. code:: python [ (source_id, target_id, weight), ... ] directed : bool, default = False If `directed` is False, each entry in the edge_weight_tuples is considered to equally point from `target_id` to `source_id` with weight `weight`. """ self.N_nodes = int(N_nodes) # min weights and max weights have to be set for the efficient # sampling within sets edge_weights = [ e[_EDGE_WEIGHT] for e in edge_weight_tuples ] if len(edge_weights) == 0: min_weight = 1 max_weight = 1 else: min_weight = min(edge_weights) max_weight = max(edge_weights) # construct network as list of neighbor dictionaries graph = [ {} for n in range(N_nodes) ] for source, target, weight in edge_weight_tuples: graph[source][target] = weight if not directed: graph[target][source] = weight # construct network as list of SamplableSets, because we want to sample neighbors self.graph = [ SamplableSet(min_weight,max_weight,neighbors,cpp_type='int') for neighbors in graph ] # this model is a network model self.is_network_model = True # compute out degrees in order to compute the maximum reaction rate for link processes self.out_degree = np.array([ len(neighbors) for neighbors in self.graph ], dtype=int) self.out_strength = np.array([ neighbors.total_weight() for neighbors in self.graph ], dtype=float) if self.node_status is not None: self.set_node_statuses(self.node_status) return self
[docs] def set_well_mixed(self,N_nodes,mean_contact_number): """ Define the model to run in a well-mixed system. Parameters --------- N_nodes : int Number of nodes in the system mean_contact_number : int Each node is assumed to be in contact with `mean_contact_number` other nodes at all times. These neighbors will be sampled randomly from the set of all remaining nodes every time a link transmission event happens. """ if mean_contact_number != int(mean_contact_number): raise TypeError("`mean_contact_number` must be of type `int`") # define homogeneous degree across the network self.N_nodes = int(N_nodes) self.k0 = int(mean_contact_number) # compute out degrees in order to compute the maximum reaction rate for link processes self.out_degree = np.ones((self.N_nodes,),dtype=int) * self.k0 self.out_strength = self.out_degree self.is_network_model = False return self
[docs] def get_compartment_id(self,C): """Get the integer ID of a compartment ``C``""" return self.compartments.index(C)
[docs] def get_compartment(self,iC): """Get the compartment, given an integer ID ``iC``""" return self.compartments[iC]
[docs] def set_node_transition_processes(self,process_list): """ Define the linear node transition processes between compartments. Parameters ========== process_list : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` A list of tuples that contains transitions rates in the following format: .. code:: python [ ("source_compartment", rate, "target_compartment" ), ... ] Example ======= For an SEIR model. .. code:: python epi.set_node_transition_processes([ ("E", symptomatic_rate, "I" ), ("I", recovery_rate, "R" ), ]) """ # each compartment is associated with a list of events that it can be # involved in (event = first entry) # Each event is associated with a rate (rate = second entry) self.node_transition_events = [ [[],[]] for n in range(self.N_comp) ] # iterate through processes for source, rate, target in process_list: _s = self.get_compartment_id(source) _t = self.get_compartment_id(target) # add event and rate to the list of events for this compartment self.node_transition_events[_s][_EVENTS].append((-1,_s,_t)) self.node_transition_events[_s][_RATES].append(float(rate)) # convert to numpy arrays for _c0, events in enumerate(self.node_transition_events): self.node_transition_events[_c0][_EVENTS] = np.array(events[_EVENTS]) self.node_transition_events[_c0][_RATES] = np.array(events[_RATES]) # if link events have been set before, sew both events together # to form a unified event list for each compartment if self.link_transmission_events is not None: self._zip_events() return self
[docs] def reactions_may_still_occur(self,state): """ Reactions can only take place if there's still nodes that can transmit AND nodes that can be infected or spontaneously change state. """ if len(self.transmitting_compartments) > 0: return state[self.transitioning_compartments].sum() > 0 or\ (state[self.transmitting_compartments[:,0]] * state[self.transmitting_compartments[:,1]]).sum() > 0 else: return state[self.transitioning_compartments].sum() > 0
def _zip_events(self): """ Concatenate link and node events. """ self.node_and_link_events = [ None for n in range(self.N_comp) ] transitioning_compartments = set() transmitting_compartments = set() # for each compartment, concatenate node and link event lists for comp in range(self.N_comp): link_events = self.link_transmission_events[comp] node_events = self.node_transition_events[comp] # the last entry in this list saves the event index range that are link events. # we need this, because for every node, these rates have to be multiplied by # the out degree later on. if len(node_events[_EVENTS]) == 0 and len(link_events[_EVENTS]) == 0: events = np.array([]) rates = np.array([]) indices = [0, 0] elif len(node_events[_EVENTS]) != 0 and len(link_events[_EVENTS]) == 0: events = node_events[_EVENTS] rates = node_events[_RATES] indices = [0, 0] elif len(node_events[_EVENTS]) == 0 and len(link_events[_EVENTS]) != 0: events = link_events[_EVENTS] rates = link_events[_RATES] indices = [0, len(link_events[_EVENTS])] else: events = np.concatenate((node_events[_EVENTS],link_events[_EVENTS])) rates = np.concatenate((node_events[_RATES],link_events[_RATES])) indices = [len(node_events[_RATES]), len(node_events[_RATES]) + len(link_events[_RATES])] self.node_and_link_events[comp] = [ events, rates, indices ] # save the compartments that can change their status. # This is important because it might happen that nodes # have a non-zero reaction rate but no targets left # at which point the simulation does never halt. for infecting, transitioning, _ in events: if infecting < 0: transitioning_compartments.add(transitioning) else: transmitting_compartments.add((infecting,transitioning)) self.transitioning_compartments = np.array(list(transitioning_compartments),dtype=int) self.transmitting_compartments = np.array(list(transmitting_compartments),dtype=int)
[docs] def set_random_initial_conditions(self, initial_conditions): """ Set random initial conditions for each compartment. Parameters ---------- initial_conditions : dict A dictionary that maps a compartment to a number of nodes that should be sampled to be in this compartment initially. Unset compartmens are assumed to have an initial condition of zero. """ if type(initial_conditions) == dict: initial_conditions = list(initial_conditions.items()) # initially, all nodes can be distributed nodes_left = set(range(self.N_nodes)) # save node status and initial conditions node_status = np.zeros(self.N_nodes,dtype=int) y0 = np.zeros(self.N_comp) total = 0 # iterate through all initial conditions for compartment, amount in initial_conditions: # ignore nullified initial conditions if amount == 0: continue # count the number of nodes in this compartment total += amount comp_id = self.get_compartment_id(compartment) # check whether it was defined before if y0[comp_id] != 0: raise ValueError('Double entry in initial conditions for compartment '+str(compartment)) else: # if node, sample `amount` nodes from the remaining set, # take those nodes out of the set and carry on with the set of remaining nodes these_nodes = np.random.choice(list(nodes_left),size=amount,replace=False) y0[comp_id] = amount node_status[these_nodes] = comp_id nodes_left = nodes_left.difference(these_nodes) # check that the initial conditions contain all nodes if np.abs(total-self.N_nodes)/self.N_nodes > 1e-14: raise ValueError('Sum of initial conditions does not equal unity.') self.set_node_statuses(node_status) self.y0 = y0 return self
[docs] def set_node_statuses(self,node_status): """ Set all node statuses at once and evaluate events and rates accordingly. Can be used to set initial conditions. Parameters ---------- node_status : numpy.ndarray of int For each node, this array contains the node's compartment index. """ if len(node_status) != self.N_nodes: raise ValueError("`node_status` must carry N_nodes values") if self.link_transmission_events is None: self.set_link_transmission_processes([]) if self.node_transition_events is None: self.set_node_transition_processes([]) # filter out the minimally possible rate (other than zero) and the maximally # possible rate smax = self.out_strength.max() smin = self.out_strength.min() compartment_mins = np.zeros(self.N_comp) compartment_maxs = np.zeros(self.N_comp) for compartment, (event, rates) in enumerate(self.node_transition_events): for rate in rates: compartment_mins[compartment] += rate compartment_maxs[compartment] += rate for compartment, (event, rates) in enumerate(self.link_transmission_events): for rate in rates: compartment_mins[compartment] += rate * smin compartment_maxs[compartment] += rate * smax if np.all(compartment_mins==0): if smin == 0 and smax == 0: # in case of empty network, # set some default values. # This is okay because # the event set will still be empty compartment_min = 1e-128 compartment_max = 1e128 else: compartment_min = (compartment_mins[compartment_mins>0]).min() compartment_max = (compartment_maxs).max() # set these node statuses self.node_status = node_status.copy() # construct a SamplableSet in which we insert the node reaction rates self.all_node_events = SamplableSet(compartment_min,compartment_max,cpp_type='int') # construct a list that contains events and rates for each node once it was triggered self.node_event_probabilities = [ [] for n in range(self.N_nodes) ] # set each node status according to the passed node_status array for node, status in enumerate(self.node_status): self.set_node_status(node, status) y0 = np.zeros(self.N_comp) for c in range(self.N_comp): y0[c] += np.count_nonzero(self.node_status == c) self.y0 = y0 self._simulation_ended = False return self
[docs] def set_node_status(self,node,status): """ Set the status of node `node` to `status` Parameters ---------- node : int The index of the node status : int The index of the compartment that the node changes into. """ # get the events that can happen to a node of this status/compartment status_events = self.node_and_link_events[status] # if no events can happen, remove the node from # the event set and set the node events to an empty set if len(status_events[_RATES]) == 0: del self.all_node_events[node] self.node_event_probabilities[node] = [] else: # otherwise, get a copy of this compartment's rate vector these_rates = status_events[_RATES].copy() # scale the link events by this node's out degree scale_from, scale_to = status_events[_LINK_PROCESS_INDICES] these_rates[scale_from:scale_to] *= self.out_strength[node] total_rate = these_rates.sum() # add the node to the node event set, IF it can react # after all (it may not be able to react if it has no # neighbors). if total_rate > 0: self.all_node_events[node] = total_rate # save the probabilities with which each of the node's events happens self.node_event_probabilities[node] = these_rates / total_rate # finally, set node status self.node_status[node] = status return self
[docs] def get_total_event_rate(self): """ Get the total event rate. """ # sometimes, it happens after many deletions and inserts, # numerical errors add up and the set has non-zero total weight # but is not empty. We have to catch these events. if len(self.all_node_events) > 0: return self.all_node_events.total_weight() else: self.all_node_events.clear() return 0.0
[docs] def get_true_total_event_rate(self): """ Get the true total event rate. """ total_rate = 0.0 for node, max_rate in self.all_node_events: status = self.node_status[node] node_and_link_events = self.node_and_link_events[status] events = node_and_link_events[_EVENTS] rates = node_and_link_events[_RATES] l0, l1 = node_and_link_events[_LINK_PROCESS_INDICES] has_link_processes = l1 > 0 if not has_link_processes: total_rate += max_rate else: total_rate += rates[0:l0].sum() coupling_compartments = np.array([ e[_AFFECTED_SOURCE_COMPARTMENT] for e in events[l0:l1] ]) these_rates = rates[l0:l1] if self.is_network_model: neighs = self.graph[node] for n in neighs: try: n = n[0] except (IndexError, TypeError) as e: pass neigh_status = self.node_status[n] ndx = np.where(coupling_compartments == neigh_status)[0] total_rate += these_rates[ndx].sum() else: for C in coupling_compartments: nodes_of_this_compartment = self.y0[C] total_rate += these_rates[C] * nodes_of_this_compartment * self.k0 / (self.N_nodes-1) if total_rate == 0.0: self.set_simulation_has_ended() return total_rate
[docs] def simulation_has_ended(self): """ Check wether the simulation can be continued in its current state. """ return self._simulation_ended
[docs] def set_simulation_has_ended(self): self._simulation_ended = True
[docs] def set_simulation_has_not_ended(self): self._simulation_ended = False
[docs] def get_time_leap(self): """ Sample a time leap from an exponential distribution according to the current total event rate """ return np.random.exponential(1/self.get_total_event_rate())
[docs] def get_compartment_changes(self): """ Let an event take place according to the new time and return the change in compartment counts. """ reacting_node = self.get_reacting_node() return self.make_random_node_event(reacting_node)
[docs] def get_reacting_node(self): """ Get a reacting node with probability proportional to its reaction rate. """ return self.all_node_events.sample()[0]
[docs] def make_random_node_event(self, reacting_node): """ Let a random node event happen according to the event probabilities of this node's status. Parameters ---------- reacting_node : int the index of the node that reacts Returns ------- compartment_changes : list of tuples of int Each tuple contains the index of the compartment that loses a member on the first position and the index of the compartment that gains a member. """ # once a node that reacts, obtain the probabilities with which # each of its events happens, and its current status status = self.node_status[reacting_node] node_event_probabilities = self.node_event_probabilities[reacting_node] # sample the index of the event that happens according to the node probabilities # and get the corresponding event event_index = _choice(len(node_event_probabilities),p=node_event_probabilities) event = self.node_and_link_events[status][_EVENTS][event_index] return self.make_node_event(reacting_node, tuple(event))
[docs] def make_node_event(self, reacting_node, event, neighbor=None): """ Let a specific node event happen Parameters ---------- reacting_node : int the index of the node that reacts event : tuple of int three-entry long tuple that characterizes this event neighbor : int, default = None specify the neighbor to which this specific event happens Returns ------- compartment_changes : list of tuples of int Each tuple contains the index of the compartment that loses a member on the first position and the index of the compartment that gains a member. """ # classify the event and changing compartments is_transmission_event = event[_TRANSMITTING_COMPARTMENT] != -1 losing_compartment = event[_AFFECTED_SOURCE_COMPARTMENT] gaining_compartment = event[_AFFECTED_TARGET_COMPARTMENT] compartment_changes = [] # if is transmission event if is_transmission_event: if neighbor is None: # if no reacting neighbor was specified if self.is_network_model: # sample a neighbor from the reacting node's neighbor set neighbor, _ = self.graph[reacting_node].sample() else: # in well-mixed, sample any other node neighbor = np.random.randint(self.N_nodes-1) if neighbor >= reacting_node: neighbor += 1 # if the sampled neighbor is of the affected compartment, # the affected node is the neighbor if self.node_status[neighbor] == event[_AFFECTED_SOURCE_COMPARTMENT]: affected_node = neighbor else: # otherwise, nothing happens return compartment_changes else: # if it's a node transition event, this node is affected affected_node = reacting_node new_compartment = event[_AFFECTED_TARGET_COMPARTMENT] self.set_node_status(affected_node,new_compartment) # check for conditional processes based on this process if self.conditional_link_transmission_events is not None: # check whether an entry exists for this event try: conditional_events = self.conditional_link_transmission_events[event] has_conditional_transmissions = True except KeyError as e: has_conditional_transmissions = False # if it exists if has_conditional_transmissions: # sample neighbors of the affected node (might include this reacting node) if self.is_network_model: neighbors = self.graph[affected_node] else: neighbors = np.random.choice(self.N_nodes-1,size=int(self.out_degree[affected_node]),replace=False) neighbors[neighbors >= affected_node] += 1 # iterate through neighbors for n in neighbors: # samplableset returns node ids together with weight, therefore we # have to ask for the first entry of n try: n = n[0] except IndexError as e: pass # if the compartment of the neighbor is affected by a conditional event, # let this conditional event happen to the neighbor, as triggered # by the affected node try: probabilities, conditional_transmission_events = conditional_events[self.node_status[n]] except KeyError as e: continue # check whether the list of proposed conditional reactions for this event # is longer than one. if not, let this single event take place with the given probability if len(probabilities) == 1 and (probabilities[0] == 1.0 or probabilities[0] > np.random.random()): these_compartment_changes = self.make_node_event(affected_node, conditional_transmission_events[0], neighbor = n) compartment_changes.extend(these_compartment_changes) else: # if there's a list of proposed events, each associated with a probability, # choose from the list uniform at random event_index = _choice(len(probabilities),p=probabilities) conditional_transmission_event = conditional_transmission_events[event_index] # check wether this is an event where nothing happens if conditional_transmission_event[_AFFECTED_SOURCE_COMPARTMENT] != \ conditional_transmission_event[_AFFECTED_TARGET_COMPARTMENT]: # if something happens, let it happen these_compartment_changes = self.make_node_event(affected_node, conditional_transmission_event, neighbor = n) compartment_changes.extend(these_compartment_changes) compartment_changes.append((losing_compartment, gaining_compartment)) return compartment_changes
[docs] def simulate(self, tmax, return_compartments=None, sampling_dt=None, max_unsuccessful=None, sampling_callback=None, t0=0.0, stop_simulation_on_empty_network=True, custom_stop_condition=None, **kwargs): """ Returns values of the given compartments at the demanded time points (as a numpy.ndarray of shape ``(return_compartments), len(time_points)``. If ``return_compartments`` is None, all compartments will be returned. Parameters ---------- tmax : float maximum length of the simulation return_compartments : list of compartments, default = None: The compartments for which to return time series. If ``None``, all compartments will be returned. sampling_dt : float, default = None Temporal distance between samples of the compartment counts. If ``None``, every change will be returned. max_unsuccessful : int, default = None The number of unsuccessful events after which the true total event rate will be evaluated (it might happen that a network becomes effectively disconnected while nodes are still associated with a maximum event rate). If ``None``, this number will be set equal to the number of nodes. sampling_callback : funtion, default = None A function that's called when a sample is taken Returns ------- t : numpy.ndarray times at which compartment counts have been sampled result : dict Dictionary mapping a compartment to a time series of its count. """ if return_compartments is None: return_compartments = self.compartments if sampling_callback is not None and sampling_dt is None: raise ValueError('A sampling callback function can only be set if sampling_dt is set, as well.') ndx = [self.get_compartment_id(C) for C in return_compartments] current_state = self.y0.copy() compartments = [ current_state.copy() ] t = t0 time = [t0] if max_unsuccessful is None: max_unsuccessful = self.N_nodes unsuccessful = 0 total_event_rate = self.get_total_event_rate() if sampling_callback is not None: sampling_callback() custom_stop_condition_triggered = False # Check for a) zero event rate and b) zero possibility for any nodes being changed still. # This is important because it might happen that nodes # have a non-zero reaction rate but no targets left # at which point the simulation will never halt. while (t < tmax) and \ (not self.simulation_has_ended()) and\ (total_event_rate > 0) and \ (self.reactions_may_still_occur(current_state)) and\ (not custom_stop_condition_triggered): # sample and advance time according to current total rate tau = self.get_time_leap() new_t = t+tau # break if simulation time is reached if new_t >= tmax: break # sample a reacting node from the reaction set # let the event take place and get all the compartments # that are associated with changes changing_compartments = self.get_compartment_changes() # only save compartment counts if anything changed if len(changing_compartments) > 0: if sampling_dt is not None: # sample all the time steps that were demanded in between the two events last_sample_dt = time[-1] for idt in range(1,int(np.ceil((new_t-last_sample_dt)/sampling_dt))): time.append(last_sample_dt+idt*sampling_dt) compartments.append(current_state.copy()) if sampling_callback is not None: sampling_callback() # write losses and gains into the current state vector for losing, gaining in changing_compartments: current_state[losing] -= 1 current_state[gaining] += 1 # save the current state if sampling_dt wasn't specified if sampling_dt is None: time.append(new_t) compartments.append(current_state.copy()) unsuccessful = 0 total_event_rate = self.get_total_event_rate() # save current state self.y0 = current_state.copy() else: unsuccessful += 1 if unsuccessful > max_unsuccessful: total_event_rate = self.get_true_total_event_rate() unsuccessful = 0 else: total_event_rate = self.get_total_event_rate() # advance time t = new_t if custom_stop_condition is not None: custom_stop_condition_triggered = custom_stop_condition(current_state,self.node_status) if sampling_dt is not None: next_sample = time[-1] + sampling_dt if next_sample <= tmax: time.append(next_sample) compartments.append(current_state) if sampling_callback is not None: sampling_callback() # convert to result dictionary time = np.array(time) result = np.array(compartments) if sampling_callback is not None: sampling_callback() if not self.reactions_may_still_occur(current_state) or\ (total_event_rate == 0.0 and stop_simulation_on_empty_network): self.set_simulation_has_ended() return time, { compartment: result[:,c_ndx] for c_ndx, compartment in zip(ndx, return_compartments) }
[docs]class StochasticSIModel(StochasticEpiModel): r""" An SI model derived from :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes. infection_rate : float Inverse mean duration of a single SI-contact until infection :math:`\eta=1/\tau`. *args : list List of arguments that will be passed to :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. Attributes ---------- compartments : list of str .. code:: python [ "S", "I" ] """ def __init__(self, N, infection_rate, *args, **kwargs): StochasticEpiModel.__init__(self, list("SI"), N, *args, **kwargs) self.set_link_transmission_processes([ ("I", "S", infection_rate, "I", "I"), ])
[docs]class StochasticSIRModel(StochasticEpiModel): r""" An SIR model derived from :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes. R0 : float Basic reproduction number :math:`R_0 = \eta\left< k\right>/\rho`. recovery_rate : float Inverse duration of infection :math:`\rho=1/\tau_I`. *args : list List of arguments that will be passed to :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. Attributes ---------- compartments : list of str .. code:: python [ "S", "I", "R" ] """ def __init__(self, N, R0, recovery_rate, *args, **kwargs): StochasticEpiModel.__init__(self, list("SIR"), N, *args, **kwargs) k0 = self.out_strength.mean() infection_rate = R0 * recovery_rate / k0 self.set_node_transition_processes([ ("I", recovery_rate, "R"), ]) self.set_link_transmission_processes([ ("I", "S", infection_rate, "I", "I"), ])
[docs]class StochasticSISModel(StochasticEpiModel): r""" An SIS model derived from :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of nodes. R0 : float Basic reproduction number :math:`R_0 = \eta\left< k\right>/\rho`. recovery_rate : float Inverse duration of infection :math:`\rho=1/\tau_I`. *args : list List of arguments that will be passed to :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments that will be passed to :class:`epipack.stochastic_epi_models.StochasticEpiModel`. Attributes ---------- compartments : list of str .. code:: python [ "S", "I" ] """ def __init__(self, N, R0, recovery_rate, *args, **kwargs): StochasticEpiModel.__init__(self, list("SI"), N, *args, **kwargs) k0 = self.out_strength.mean() infection_rate = R0 * recovery_rate / k0 self.set_node_transition_processes([ ("I", recovery_rate, "S"), ]) self.set_link_transmission_processes([ ("I", "S", infection_rate, "I", "I"), ])
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover model = StochasticEpiModel(list("SI"),3) model.set_node_transition_processes([("I",1.0,"S")]) model.set_link_transmission_processes([("I","S",2.0,"I","I")]) print(model.link_transmission_events) print(model.node_transition_events) for comp, comp_events in enumerate(model.node_and_link_events): print(model.get_compartment(comp), comp_events) #model.set_well_mixed(3,mean_contact_number=1) model.set_random_initial_conditions({"S": 2, "I": 1}) print(model.y0) print(model.node_status) reacting_node = model.get_reacting_node() print("reacting node:", reacting_node) model.make_random_node_event(reacting_node) print(model.node_status) print("===================") N = 10000 i0 = 0.05 I0 = int(i0*N) S0 = N - I0 R0 = 2.0 mu = 1.0 k0 = 100 model = StochasticEpiModel(list("SI"),N,well_mixed_mean_contact_number=k0) model.set_node_transition_processes([("I",mu,"S")],) model.set_link_transmission_processes([("I","S",R0/k0,"I","I")]) model.set_random_initial_conditions({"S":S0,"I":I0}) t, result = model.simulate(4,sampling_dt = 0.1) from bfmplot import pl for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series, label=comp) from metapop.epi import SISModel model = SISModel(R0=R0,recovery_rate=mu,population_size=N) model.set_initial_conditions({"S":S0,"I":I0}) result = model.get_result_dict(t) for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series, label=comp) pl.legend() print("===================") N = 10000 i0 = 0.05 I0 = int(i0*N) S0 = N - I0 R0 = 2.0 mu = 1.0 k0 = 100 model = StochasticEpiModel(list("SIR"),N,well_mixed_mean_contact_number=k0) model.set_node_transition_processes([ ("I",mu,"R"), ]) model.set_link_transmission_processes([("I","S",R0/k0*mu,"I","I")]) model.set_random_initial_conditions({"S":S0,"I":I0}) t, result = model.simulate(4,sampling_dt = 0.1) pl.figure() for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series, label=comp) from metapop.epi import SIRModel model = SIRModel(R0=R0,recovery_rate=mu,population_size=N) model.set_initial_conditions({"S":S0,"I":I0}) result = model.get_result_dict(t) for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series, label=comp) pl.legend() print("====== BARABASI-ALBERT ========") N = 1000 i0 = 0.05 I0 = int(i0*N) S0 = N - I0 R0 = 2.0 mu = 1.0 k0 = 100 import networkx as nx G = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N,k0) weighted_edge_tuples = [ (e[0], e[1], 1.0) for e in G.edges() ] k_norm = 2*len(weighted_edge_tuples) / N model = StochasticEpiModel(list("SIR"),N,edge_weight_tuples=weighted_edge_tuples) model.set_node_transition_processes([ ("I",mu,"R"), ]) model.set_link_transmission_processes([("I","S",R0/k_norm*mu,"I","I")]) model.set_network(N,weighted_edge_tuples) model.set_random_initial_conditions({"S":S0,"I":I0}) from time import time start = time() t, result = model.simulate(100) end = time() print("composition rejection needed", end-start,"seconds") pl.figure() for comp, series in result.items(): pl.plot(t, series, label=comp) from epipack.tests.SIR_weighted import SIR_weighted start = time() model = SIR_weighted(N,weighted_edge_tuples,infection_rate=R0/k_norm*mu,recovery_rate=mu,number_of_initially_infected=I0) end = time() print("force of infection needed", end-start,"seconds") _t, _I, _R = model.simulation(100) pl.plot(_t, _I, label="I") pl.plot(_t, _R, label="R") pl.legend()